Chapter 23- (final chapter)

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A week later, you found yourself sitting at a table in the outskirts of the woods with the Shelby clan after Tommy blew the Arrow House up.

He apparently had a little more business to attend to which you weren't happy about because it was all meant to be over, but he said he just had one more thing to deal with and then it would be over.

So, while Tommy handled whatever business he needed to, you were going to stay at Margate with Charlie and Alfie.

"Thank you all for coming." Tommy suddenly started to say as he stood up from his chair at the head of the table and looked around at you all. "At least I can say that, uh, I am one of those rare politicians who actually makes good on his promise."

He pointed towards the rubble that was once Arrow House in the distance before continuing.

"County estate requisitioned to make way for houses for working people. I improved my own home with good intentions and 1,500 pound of dynamite. Now I'm back where we began. With horses and caravans... vagabonds and thieves. Francis, sit down, please."

You smiled softly at the surprised look on the house keepers face before she sat down in the chair beside you while Tommy poured her a class of champagne.

"I'd like to raise a toast. A simple toast. To family." He said raising his glass.

Everyone stood up with their glasses raised and you did the same with your glass of water.

"To family." You all cheered.

"Sometimes, it is shelter from the storm. Sometimes, it is the storm itself."

Ain't that the damn truth.

You all took sips of your drinks before sitting back down in your chairs, Tommy remaining standing, not finished talking.

"I plan on going away for a bit. After I'm gone... Ada, in this family, it was you who was born to be politician, not me. Remember that. And if ever a seat is to become available in this ugly old city, you should run."

Ada chuckled softly at that, seeming a little shocked and taken back by Tommy's words.

"Where's Arthur?" Tommy questioned and you frowned, looking down the table to find that the eldest brother was in fact, no longer here.

"He went for a walk down the river. He said he's not good at farewells, so he deiced to go catch a trout instead." Linda answered.

Wait, farewells?

Yeah, Arthur was never the sentimental type, but there was no need for farewells. Tommy was just going away for some business, it wasn't like he wasn't returning in a few days. What was Arthur on about?

Linda stood up from the table, holding a piece of paper. "He told me to tell you that, 'where you're going, Tommy, there will I be. Very soon. Love, Arthur.'"

There was a long silence after Linda finished reading and she sat back down in her seat, refusing to look at anyone.

"How does Arthur know where you're going, Tommy?" Ada suddenly questioned.

"Uh, yeah. I'd like to know too." You quickly added, because Tommy had refused to tell you that small detail.

He glanced over at you and Ada for a brief second before looking over at Linda.

"You watch him, Linda. You love him." He said, staring at his sister-in-law before turning his attention to his son who was seated beside you. "Charles. I want you to look after, Y/N and your soon to be new sibling. I want you to be the..."

Tommy's voice broke before he could finish that sentence and he turned away from the table to compose himself which was setting off all kinds of alarm bells in your mind.

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