Chapter 15-

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After target shooting, you went back home with Tommy.

He was currently staying at his old place with the others since the event was happening tomorrow in Birmingham, there was no point driving out to the country to his mansion.

It was oddly strange being back in the house.

Memories of your first days there with the whole Shelby clan living inside washed over you. You missed those good old days, it was crowded, it was noisy, especially with Johns kids running around everywhere, but it was perfect in every way.

There was no sign of Polly or Michael anywhere. Although after Tommy explained what went down between him and Michael, it wasn't a shock that his Aunt and cousin where nowhere to be seen.

"I can take one of the spare rooms tonight if you don't want to-"

"Don't be silly. Come on." You said, already crawling into his bed.

Tommy hesitated for a moment. Unsure if you guys were moving into things two quickly, but he didn't wait long before stripping off his clothes. He placed his handgun on the night stand beside your two pistols before he climbed under the covered wearing nothing but his underwear.

Neither of you said anything for a few minutes as he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side as you rested your head on his chest.

"This was from the Italians the day of the boxing match, right?" He asked softly, lifting his hand as he brushed his thumb over the scar that cut through your eyebrow and ran down to your cheek.

"Yeah." You replied, closing your eye, giving him a better look at it. "Lucky I didn't lose my eye. Then Alfie and I would look more like siblings." You joked, but Tommy didn't laugh.

"I am sorry about that. I didn't mean to shoot him, I... shit."

You opened your eyes to find him staring at the wall across the room, deep in thought.

"I know you didn't. Alfie wanted you to though. He wanted to die at the hands of an honourable man instead of dying from cancer."

That caught his attention as he looked back down at you, "how is he doing with the whole cancer thing? I was going to ask him, but figured he probably didn't want to talk about it."

"He's a fighter." You said with a small shrug, hating how you felt like you could burst into tears just thinking about it. "He's struggling, I know he is. He tries to hide it... but, on the bad days, he can't."

"He's strong. Stronger than any man I know, and I know a lot of men."

His arm tightened around you as a silent form of comfort and he kissed the top of your head.

"Does Lizzie know I'm here?"

Tommy's silence was enough of an answer. You figured he hadn't told her, she was probably back at Arrow House with Charlie and their daughter with no idea that Tommy was in bed with another woman.

A part of you felt guilty for it.

You had been on the receiving end of Tommy sleeping with another woman, it's not nice. But, at the same time, you simply didn't care. He was with you and that was all cared about.

Did that make you a selfish person?

It probably did, but after everything, you thought you deserved to be a little selfish for once.

"She does not." Tommy finally said, breaking the silence as he looked back down at you. "Does that make this weird?"

You tilted your head towards him and shook your head.

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