Chapter 16-

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"Here, this is the good stuff." Arthur said, walking into the bathroom with what appeared to be a bottle of whiskey. "Take a big drink because this is gonna hurt."

Grabbing the bottle, you sat down on the closed toilet seat and took a few sips while Arthur opened up the first aid kit and got to work on stitching the wound.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lizzie's voice suddenly shouted from somewhere in the house.

"Here we fucking go." Arthur muttered under his breath.

You chuckled softly at his annoyed tone before Lizzie appeared in the doorway. She had to do a double take when she saw Arthur stitching up your side, but composed herself quick enough and looked at you.

"What is going on? Francis is saying that you two came stumbling in here bleeding over the floor and that Tommy was nowhere in sight. It's six in the fucking morning, what is happening and where the fuck is he?"

Well, you were expecting her to be more shocked by your presence since it had been a long time since you last saw her. But, she didn't even seem fazed by you in the slightest.

"He went for a walk... to, uh, to clear his head." You explained, not going into any details.

"He went for a walk?" Lizzie repeated, not believing you. "Why are there six bullets on the sink?"

You glanced over at Arthur who met your graze with a questioning look, but you just shrugged your shoulders before Arthur sighed and explained.

"We took them out his gun before he went for a walk. Didn't want him doing nothing stupid."

Lizzie stared at the two of you for a moment before she grabbed the bullets and stormed out the room. Arthur watched her leave before he turned his attention back to what he was doing and continued to stitch the wound.

"You're lucky it grazed you, bled like a bitch, but only grazed you." Arthur explained once he finished the stitches. "Did you recognise the shooter?"

You shook your head, "didn't let him live long enough to ask who he was."

If you were being honest, you didn't even think about letting the man live to ask him who he was and who he worked for. In that moment, all you were thinking of was Barney dead beside you and a loaded gun pointed directly at you. There was no time to ask who he was. He probably wouldn't have told you anyway.

Arthur stuck a bandage over the stitches to keep it from getting infected before you rolled your shirt back down and stood up. But, you must have stood up a little too quickly because the room spun a little.

"Whoa, easy. You have lost a lot of blood." Arthur said, grabbing your shoulder to steady you. "Come sit down and-"

"I need to go find, Tommy." You said cutting him off.

"You sure that's a good idea?"

Probably not, but you just had a very bad feeling in your gut that you couldn't get rid of. You needed to find him.

"I'll be fine. Thanks for patching me up."

Arthur nodded before you turned and rushed out the house, nearly running straight into Lizzie when you opened the front door.

"What happened?" You asked, taking in the tear stains down her cheeks and rage in her eyes.

"He tried to fucking shoot himself, that's what happened! I heard him pull the trigger and everything. The selfish fucking coward!" She shouted, fresh tears starting to rise in her eyes.

You stood there for a solid 10 seconds processing what she had just said before you shook your head trying to think straight.

"Where is he now?" You asked, trying to remain calm.

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