Chapter 20-

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It was strange sleeping in your old bed. Even stranger finding your wardrobe still full of your old clothes that you had completely forgotten about.

It was nice being back and you knew your brother liked your company despite how much the two of you argued or picked on each other, although you were pretty sure that was what most siblings did.

Alfie put you to work in the distillery while you were staying with him, but you didn't mind. It was nice to focus on something else, and it wasn't hard work. It was basically just making sure the workers weren't slacking off, so it was easy.

"Miss Solomons? Dinner is ready." The housekeepers voice called out.

"Thanks, I'll be there soon." You shouted from your bedroom where you were currently drying your wet hair with a towel.

This was now your third night staying here and you had to admit, you missed Anna's home cooked meals.

Once your hair was semi-dry, you slipped out the towel and put on your bra and underwear before finding a pair of pants from your wardrobe. But, as you pulled them on, you very quickly realised that the button wouldn't button up.

"Oh, come on. Don't do this." You muttered to yourself as you tried to suck your belly in and do up the button, but it was still no use. "Son of a bitch."

You stood there for a few seconds before walking across the room to your mirror and had to do a double take when you saw your reflection.

Over the past week your stomach had gotten significantly bigger. How was the even possible? Seven days was not that many and you were pretty sure you weren't this big when you had arrived here.

Lifting your hand, you rested it against the bump and sighed.

What the fuck were you going to do?

"Hey, sis? I gotta duck down to the distillery for a minute and check on something. Do you need anything while I-" Alfie's voice suddenly called out and you didn't even get a chance to say or do anything before your bedroom door opened and whatever your brother was saying died in his throat.

"You haven't heard of knocking?!" You exclaimed, instantly reaching for your towel and covering your baby bump, but you knew by the absolute shocked look on Alfie's face that it was too late.

"Fucking hell, kid, you haven't heard of locking your fucking door?" He shot back, instantly turning around to give you some privacy.

You quickly grabbed the nearest shirt which happened to be one of your old tank tops and even before you put it on, you knew it would be tight. But, you didn't expect it to be skin tight, exposing your very obvious baby bump.

You sighed, "safe to turn around now."

Slowly your brother turned back towards you, his eyes flashing down to your stomach straight away and you knew there was no point trying to hide it from him.

For the longest time, Alfie didn't say anything as the two of you stood there staring at each other.

"So, uh, you got anything you wanna tell me, eh?" He asked casually, leaning against your doorframe.

"Nope, not that I can think of." You replied, grabbing your jacket and throwing it on.

Alfie just grunted as he watched you button up the jacket, covering your stomach before you walked out the room. But, you didn't get more than a foot out the door before he grabbed your arm and stopped you.

"Hey, if you don't wanna talk about it, right, we don't gotta talk about it. That's fine, I ain't got a problem with that. But, just answer this one question; did Tommy get angry about this and that's why you're really here?"

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