Chapter 9

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Michael left his men to clean up the mess with Father Hughes before the two of you grabbed Charlie and left the church.

"I'll give you a lift to the Arrow House." Michael said, already opening the passenger side door of his car for you.

You nodded your thanks and climbed inside while he walked around and jumped into the drivers seat as you adjusted Charlie in your lap. The little boy babbling nonsense, completely oblivious to what just happened.

"Here." You said, pulling the small blanket off Charlie and handing it to Michael. "I think Polly would freak out if she saw all the blood on your face."

Michael nodded in agreement taking the blanket and began wiping his face, getting rid of any of the evidence before he started the car and took off down the road.

It didn't take long before he pulled up in front of the Arrow House. Ada and Polly rushed out the front door hearing the car, utter relief washing over their faces when they saw Charlie in your arms as you got out the car.

You handed Charlie to Ada who had tears of relief in her eyes as she hugged her nephew tightly while Polly started questioning Michael about what happened. He didn't even try and deny killing Father Hughes which made his mother angry.

"Where's Tommy?" You asked, stopping Polly before she could start yelling at Michael.

"He was out by the tunnel. Getting the jewels ready to exchange for Charlie if we couldn't find him." Polly answered, glancing over at you. "Come inside, you looked wrecked. Tommy will be back in the morning."

You wanted to say no to her offer, but you were so exhausted. Your entire body ached in pain and you knew it was stupid to decline the offer. You needed to rest or at the very least, sit down.

"Okay." You nodded, following the family into the house.

You ended up crashing on the couch in Tommy's office. You didn't mean to fall asleep, but you must have because the next thing you knew you were being woken up by someone shaking your shoulders.

"Miss Solomons?" Marys voice said, causing your eyes to snap open as you jumped to your feet, reaching for your gun before you spotted Tommy's house keeper standing in front of you. "Sorry to wake you, but Mr Shelby is home. He wants to talk to you."

Well, that probably wasn't a good thing that he sent his house keeper to get you instead of him coming in here himself.

"Thanks Mary. Where is he?" You asked, rubbing your tired eyes.

"In Charlies room." She answered before walking out the office.

You sat there for a few minutes, trying to build up the courage to talk to him, unsure of how it was going to pan out. Would he be happy to see you? Or would he still be pissed about the whole mess with Alfie earlier?

Well, there was no point sitting here thinking about it.

With that, you got up off the couch and walked out the office, making your way upstairs towards Charlies bedroom.

The door to the boys bedroom was opened as you walked down the corridor, stopping in the doorway to find Tommy standing above his sons crib, looking down at Charlie who was no doubt asleep.

Tommy wasn't in his usual outfit. His jacket and suit replaced by a tank top, his bare skin caked with mud and dirt and you realised that he must have only just gotten back from digging the tunnel with the guys.

"Hey." You whispered, not wanting to wake Charlie if he was asleep.

"You knew."

That was all Tommy said, his back facing you.

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