Chapter 5

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After you ended the phone call with your brother, you grabbed the crutches and made your way to Tommy's hospital room.

Ada had said that she'd be back to help you walk, but you didn't want to sit around and wait. Plus, the crutches worked, although they were a lot more difficult to use than you anticipated.

By the time you reached the door to Tommy's room, your gunshot wounds were aching, and you were out of breath. However, all of that was forgotten the second you opened the door.

Tommy was lying on the bed in the middle of the room, Ada sitting on the chair beside him.

His skin was ghostly pale as he laid there, motionless, unmoving. However, it was the halo brace that was around his head that caught your attention. The pins of the halo looked to be screwed into his head, no doubt secured to his skull to prevent movement.

The room started to spin a little as you looked at him, nausea rising in your stomach as you stared at the pins in his head.

"Is-Is he... is he going to be okay?" You asked, your voice hoarse as you spoke.

Ada spun around in the chair, her eyes wide in shock when she saw you standing in the doorway.

"Holy shit. I may not be a doctor, but I'm pretty sure you shouldn't be up and walking around by yourself!"

"I think you're right, I'm a little dizzy." You admitted.

Ada rushed out the chair to your side, grabbing your arm and slinging it over her shoulders. She guided you to her chair, taking your crutches as you sat down and looked over at Tommy.

It was wrong seeing him like this.

To see him so weak, so vulnerable, it wasn't right. Tommy was none of those things and he shouldn't be in this hospital bed. None of this should have happened.

"Doctors said the surgery went well. They glued and stuck his skull back together and now we just have to wait to see if he wakes up." Ada explained from beside you.

You opened your mouth to respond before her words actually processed in your mind and your head snapped back towards her.

"Wait... if he wakes up?"

Ada looked down sadly, "yeah, they're not sure if he will or not."

Your brain short circuited as you tried to take in what she just said. This was Thomas fucking Shelby. He had to be okay. He had to be.

You looked back over at Tommy, staring at the giant cut along the side of his head, his hair shaved around the stitches.

This couldn't be happening.

All thoughts of staying strong for Tommy and Ada were now thrown out the window as tears started to rise in your eyes once again.

"What the bloody hell happened?" A voice you hadn't heard in a long time shouted.

You hastily wiped the tears from your eyes, but it didn't work because fresh ones kept rising, no matter how hard you tried to stop them.

"They put his skull back together, but they don't know if he'll wake up." Ada answered.

You kept your eyes on Tommy, not wanting to look at them as you heard footsteps rush into the room and a moment later, the whole Shelby family was standing around Tommy's bed.

"And what the hell is she doing here?" Polly's voice questioned, venom seeping into her tone as she spoke.

You glanced over at her but didn't say anything. You had no energy left and you didn't want to fight with Tommy's family.

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