Chapter 8

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You had been back home with Alfie for a few days now.

It was nice being back, helping him with the business and the smell of rum wafting through the air everywhere. Even your bedroom upstairs, had the faint tinge of rum in the air. But, you were used to it by now, it smelt like home.

"Hey, Ollie, do you know where my brother is?" You asked, walking down the stairs into the rum house.

Your brothers assistant turned around hearing your voice, but shook his head.

"He has a meeting with someone in his office soon. If he's not in there now, he will be soon." Ollie answered and you smiled, giving him a grateful nod before you made your way to your brothers office.

He wasn't inside, but you figured you might as well wait for him to show up. You had nothing better to do anyway, so you took a seat on the small couch across the room.

Within a few minutes, you were bored and ended up stripping your duel handguns on the coffee table and started cleaning them. It had been a while since you last cleaned them anyway.

You were nearly finished with your second handgun when suddenly Alfie's desk phone started to ring.

For a moment, you listened to it ring unsure if you should answer it or not before thinking, fuck it, and you walked over to his desk.

"Alfie Solomons phone." You answered, taking a seat at the desk.

There was a pause on the other end and you were nearly going to hand up, thinking it was a prank call before the person spoke.


There was no mistaking that voice.

"Tommy? Hey, how did the opening day go?" You asked through the phone.

"Not great." He answered with a sigh, but you didn't get to ask why before he continued talking. "I need a favour from your brother, it will pay well. Is he around?"

"No. I'm not sure where he is at the moment. What's the favour? I can pass the message onto him."

Again, Tommy paused, thinking about what you just which confused you a little because it wasn't something he should hesitate about. What was the favour he wanted?

"Tell Alfie I need a list of the names of all the men in England who someone would approach if they had a Faberge egg for sale." Tommy began to say as you frantically grabbed the nearest piece of paper and ink as you wrote it down. "Then all the men on that list who would buy the Faberge even if they knew the item was stolen. And I need a list of the men who would buy it because of their wife's obsession."

You quickly finished writing the questions and stared at the words in confusion.

Why did he need to know this?

"Okay, do you want him to call you back with the answers or...?" You trailed off unsure of what Tommy wanted.

"Tell him to meet me near the docks out by Harold's factory. Do you know where that is?" He asked and you nodded before realising that he couldn't see you.


"Good. Tell him to meet me there in a few hours and for him to come alone and unarmed."

"Okay, we'll be there in a few hours." You responded, still confused on why Tommy wanted all of this so soon.

"No. No. Not you. Just Alfie."

You paused, "Tommy, what's going on? Are you and my brother in some kind of trouble?"

"Just tell Alfie to come alone and unarmed. I have to go." He replied before the line went dead.

"What the fuck just happened?" You asked yourself, staring down at the list of questions you had written down.

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