Chapter 19

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That night Tommy went to Oswald Mosley's rally before meeting with Jack Nelson. You had offered to go with him, not liking the idea of Tommy going alone, but he refused.

You understood why he didn't want you around those guys, he wanted to keep you out of their sights since they were fascists and you were a Solomons. But, you were starting to wonder now if it was because Tommy wanted to keep you safe or if he was embarrassed to be seen with you in front of those men.

You didn't get a chance to confront him about it though because when he finally returned home, Ruby had fallen ill again, really ill and you ended up rushing her to the hospital.

Charlie stayed home with Francis while you went with Tommy and Lizzie to the hospital. Tommy carried his daughter through the front doors and ran inside, you and Lizzie right behind him.

"Where's the doctor? We need to see the doctor!" Tommy shouted, rushing into the reception area where a group of nurses had gathered hearing the commotion, all wearing hospital gowns and masks.

"Mr Shelby. Mr Shelby, your daughter has consumption." One of the masked nurses quickly said. "Consumption is a very infectious disease. There are procedures that must be followed. Please hand over the child."

You looked between the doctor and Tommy, unsure if he was going to listen to. But, to your relief, he did and started to hand Ruby to the doctor.

"You take her and you be gentle. That is my daughter, you hear me?" He said, watching as the doctor started to take Ruby into another room before Tommy quickly shook his head, having second thoughts. "I need to be with her."

Suddenly, Tommy surged forward, but the other nurses quickly blocked his path as he tried to push past them.

"I need to be with my daughter!"

"Tommy!" Lizzie yelped when he shoved one of the nurses into a wall.

The other nurses were all yelling at him to stay back as they held him back, trying to stop him from going after his daughter, but you knew a riled up Thomas Shelby would overpower them. Acting quickly, you grabbed the back of Tommy's suit and yanked him backwards.

"Tommy, stop! Everyone just calm down." You shouted, stepping between them as you held your hand against Tommy's chest, stopping him from charging forward.

Tommy glanced down at you, his blue eyes wide and panicked before he turned away and started to pace the room. You quickly followed him and grabbing his arm, turning him back towards you.

"They need to x-ray Ruby, that's all they're doing right now, okay? Then they'll probably x-ray us as well-" You began to say before Tommy cut you off.

"Fuck us, Y/N. Fuck us! Fuck you and me. Who bought this on? We bought this curse!"

"Stop, Tommy!" You shouted back, grabbing the collar of his shirt and pushing him back against the wall. "Stop."

"They wouldn't let me pass. They wouldn't let me pass." He responded, his voice barely above a whisper.

Unshed tears started to fill his eyes and you let go of his shirt and cupped his face with your hands as he took in a deep shaky breath.


"They did it on purpose, to punish me." He whispered, but you shook your head.

"This is not your fault. None of this is your fault, okay? And these nurses and doctors are trying to help, so let them help, alright?" You said, resting your forehead against his as Tommy closed his eyes, breathing heavily before he nodded.


You held him for a few seconds before you lifted your head from his and grabbed one of his hands. You took a step back, looking over at Lizzie who was watching the two of you before glancing over at the nurses who all seemed terrified of Tommy.

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