Chapter 14

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Tommy was sitting in a chair at the far end of the room opposite your brother. They both turned in your direction when they heard your gun cock and you raised it in Tommy's direction.

His piercing blue eyes locked with yours before glancing down at the barrel of the gun cautiously and lowering the cigarette from his lips.

After all these years, you thought you had gotten over Tommy Shelby, but now as you stood in the doorway staring at him, you realised that wasn't true.

He was still as handsome as ever. The sides of his hair were cut shorter than you had ever seen it, but it somehow suited him. He still wore the same clothes, smoked the same cigarettes and you hated the way your heart was screaming at you, telling you how much you had missed him.

You did. You missed him. But, at the same time, you fucking hated him for everything that he had done.

For nearly killing your brother. For choosing Grace over you. For choosing Lizzie over you. For everything. But you still missed him and you hated yourself for it.

"Easy there, sister. Don't go shooting holes in my fucking house, yeah?" Alfie suddenly said, snapping you out of your thoughts.

"He shot you last time we saw him. He tried to fucking kill you and now he's working with people like Oswald Mosley and getting into fucking fascism." You glanced over at Tommy who was looking at you with an impressed expression. "I read the papers, so don't even try to lie to me-"

"Tommy and I have already been through all this. He ain't working with that fucking fascist." Alfie said, cutting you off.

You looked back at your brother, shocked that he was defending him. After everything that had happened, you thought your brother would hate him. Why was he trying to defend the man that had tried to kill him?

"I'm gonna shoot Oswald Mosely." Tommy informed, lifting his cigarette to his lips and taking a drag, his eyes never leaving yours.

You scoffed, "really?"

"I hope you do a better job on him than the one you done on me, yeah?" Your brother said as he looked over at him. "I mean, what were you thinking? Was your mind somewhere else, Tommy?"

Tommy looked back over at you, "yes, it was, actually."

You stared right back at him, but knew you could never pull the trigger and sighed, lowering your handgun.

"I need to organise a riot." Tommy continued to say a few seconds later, looking over at your brother. "And I hear you still have some... standing in the Jewish community."

"Let me be clear, alright?" Alfie began to say as he leant forward. "Since my resurrection, I am considered to be a god, alright? In the Holy Land, someone has made an image of me out of rock embedded in the sand, so I am told, and I am planning to make a pilgrimage to stand in my own shadow. Are you gonna shoot him because this man is evil?"

"I need men who can fight. Mosley uses men from Glasgow. So, if the men causing the trouble are Jewish, it will be... explicable." Tommy explained, not answering your brothers question.

"Since when do you need explanations, Tommy?" Alfie asked.

"Since I entered politics."

You were shocked when you first heard that he had entered politics. You honestly didn't see that coming, but he seemed to be good at it none of the less.

"So, you think if you kill him, you will kill the message, yeah?" Your brother responded.

"I will kill the man, then I will kill the message." He nodded before turning back towards you. "I need your help too."

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