Chapter 7-

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You woke up the following morning curled up in Tommy's arms.

Last night had been amazing, no other words for it. You were worried about Tommy's head, but he had kept insisting that he was fine and seemed to be enjoying himself while you had sex on top of his hospital bed.

It probably wasn't the best thing to be doing in a hospital, but none of the nurses noticed or at least you didn't think they did.

You missed this. You missed waking up beside Tommy. You missed being around, hearing him talk, hearing him laugh and that smile... you missed his beautiful smile.

As you laid there, you contemplated whether this was a good idea or not.

Tommy had said that he still loved you and you knew that you still loved him, you never stopped loving him. But, last time you were together, it didn't end well and you couldn't handle another heart break like that.

You were taken away from your thoughts when Tommy started to stir beside you as you lifted your head from his bare chest just as his bright blue eyes fluttered opened.

His face broke out into a soft smile as he lifted his hand, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear.

"Good morning, love." He whispered, his voice rougher in the mornings as he lent forward and kissed you gently. "I missed waking up with you in my arms."

Your heart fluttered at those words as you kissed him back before resting your head back against his chest, his arm wrapping around your shoulders, holding you tightly.

"I missed this too." You whispered.

"Tommy." A strangers voice suddenly called out, causing you both to instantly sit up before a young man walked into the room, pausing when he saw you lying in the bed with him.

Quickly, you reached for your handgun that was sitting on the pile of clothes, but Tommy grabbed your arm, stopping you.

"It's okay. This is Michael." He explained, but you had absolutely no idea who Michael was.

Were you meant to know a Michael?

"Umm, sorry. I'm Polly's son. I didn't know Tommy would, uh, have company. I would've knocked first otherwise." The young man apologised, making a point to look at the ground.

That's when you realised that you were not wearing any clothes and your eyes widened as you grabbed the blanket, pulling it up over your chest.

"Knocking would've been a good idea. I'm Y/N by the way." You said, looking at the young man who lifted his gaze and looked at you properly, his own eyes widened in realisation.

"Y/N Solomons?"

You nodded, "the one and only."

"I've heard a lot about you. You're kind of a legend, first woman to fight alongside the Peaky Blinders and everything. My cousins talk about you frequently." Michael explained causing you to raise your eyebrows as you glanced over at Tommy who was still sitting beside you.

"You talk about me a lot?" You asked, a hint of amusement in your tone as you winked at him.

Tommy just scoffed, climbing out the bed, wearing nothing but his boxers as he reached for his packet of cigarettes that John had dropped off recently.

"Keep dreaming, love." He responded, lighting a cigarette and taking a long drag. "What do you want Michael?"

"I need to speak to you about the priest." He suddenly said causing your body to instantly tense up.

You had been trying very hard not to think about Father Hughes for the past month. For the most part, you had succeeded, but there were still nights were you'd wake up from nightmares about the things he used to do while you were in that orphanage.

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