Chapter 2

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When you started to gain consciousness again, you had no idea where you were. Everything was blurry as you started to open your eyes and for a moment you had no idea what happened.

The last thing you remembered was... wait, what was the last thing you remembered?

"You idiot. You nearly killed them both. I told you we needed them fully conscious, especially him." An unfamiliar voice said.

Blinking your eyes open again, you could see two blurry figures standing above you and as your eyes slowly adjusted, you realised one of the figures was Father Hughes.

Suddenly, everything came flooding back.

Spying on Father Hughes. Seeing Tommy again. Helping him to kill Father Hughes... but it didn't work. It was a trap. He knew you were coming and... you were shot, twice.

As that realisation hit you, so did the pain.

It was worse than anything you had ever felt. Your stomach felt like it was on fire, and you knew you needed to keep pressure on the bullet wound, but the thought of having to lift your hand to do it was too much.

You couldn't even feel the bullet wound through your knee, the pain from the one in your stomach overpowering everything and you couldn't stop the groan that escaped your lips.

"Oh, the lady is awake. But we need Mr. Shelby to hear this. Your men hit him too hard." The voice continued to say.


Tommy was here.

"Not fucking hard enough." Father Hughes suddenly said as his blurry figure stepped towards you.

He lifted his foot and nudged something beside you, and you tilted your head to find Tommy's unconscious body lying beside you, his entire face covered in blood.

"Hey, Mr. Shelby. Hey." Father Hughes said, nudging Tommy's chest with his shoe. "I heard about your plan to kill a holy man from a voice in the confessional."

"Can you hear us?" The other man asked, kneeling beside him.

You watched as Tommy's eyes fluttered open, but his usual bright blue eyes were dull and unseeing.

"Y/N?" He groaned, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Tommy." You winced, trying to lift your hand to reach out to him, but you couldn't.

Tommy's head tilted towards you, but he was drifting in and out of consciousness, you weren't sure if he could actually see you.

"Shelby." The other man said, still kneeling beside him. "Don't look at her, look at me. Why were you attempting to kill Father Hughes?"

When Tommy didn't answer, he turned his attention to you.

"You can hear me, right?" He asked, but you just stared at him, not even sure you could answer if you wanted to. "Why were you two attempting to kill Father Hughes."

"F-fuck you." You mumbled, causing the man to sigh.

"She isn't going to tell us anything. Maybe we should wait until he is fully conscious."

"I have a dinner appointment." Father Hughes responded, leaning over Tommy and grabbing his chin as he spoke.

"Hey, Shelby. Wake up. Eyes front." He said, shaking Tommy's head. "Mr. Shelby, you were trying to kill me, were you?"

"Passing information." Tommy murmured.

"Fuck. He knows." The other man cursed as Father Hughes stood up and took a step back.

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