Chapter 1

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It had been a long time since you last saw, Tommy Shelby.

Three years if you wanted to be exact.

But, even after all this time, you could recognise him from a mile away. There was no mistaking that coat or hat, even though you couldn't see his face, you knew it was him by the way he was holding himself.

You met Tommy through your brother, Alfie Solomons.

At first, you weren't too sure what to think of Tommy. You knew who he was, you knew what he did, but there was something about him that drew you in.

Your brother had a love-hate relationship with the Peaky Blinders. But, through it all, Tommy and Alfie had each other's backs, despite the number of times they had turned on each other.

Alfie had sent you to Birmingham way back when to help the Peaky Blinders with some business. During that time, you and Tommy got close. You've bled and killed by order of the Peaky Blinders, and you would do it all again.

But when Grace came back. He chose her.

He chose the spy who had betrayed him instead of the woman who had fought alongside him.

Tommy Shelby broke your heart.

You were snapped out of your thoughts when the front door opened to the church, and you quickly ducked back behind the tree you were using for cover as Father Hughes walked out.

The Priest walked straight past, unaware of you watching his every move.

You watched as he started to walk towards the small fair that the village was hosting. But, before you followed him, you spared a quick glance back at Tommy, but he was gone.

Suddenly, as if on cue, a gun cocked before something hard pressed against the back of your head.

Well, you found Tommy.

"You're sneaky, Y/N. I nearly didn't see you." His familiar deep voice said from behind you.

"Lower the gun. You're not going to shoot me." You said calmly, but the gun didn't waver.

"Why have you been following me?"

A split second later, you spun around, ducking out of the handguns firing line as you grabbed it by the barrel and kicked Tommy in the stomach.

He grunted in surprise, the force of the kick sending him staggering back. His grip loosened on the gun just enough and before he could get his footing, you had his gun in your hand and aimed at him.

"Don't ever point a loaded weapon at me again." You warned once Tommy finally got his footing and lifted his head to look at you.

You were suddenly taken back by how blue his eyes were. It was stupid, you knew his eyes were ridiculously blue, but after all this time, you had forgotten just how beautiful they were.

"You always were a spitfire weren't you, love?" He responded, eyeing the gun cautiously.

"Don't call me that. You lost that fucking right."

"You going to shoot me with my own bloody gun? That why you followed me here?"

You scoffed, "don't flatter yourself, Mr Shelby. I'm not here for you."

Tommy paused, and you could practically see the gears turning in his head before realisation washed over him.

"You're here for Father Hughes too." He said, but it wasn't a question. He already knew the answer.

"Alfie has me following him around. Thinks he might be a spy, wanted me to find out."

You glanced back towards the village where Father Hughes had disappeared amongst the crowd of civilians and children, but he was nowhere to be seen. Turning back towards Tommy, you lowered the gun, grabbing it by the barrel and holding it out towards him so he could grab the grip.

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