Chapter 6

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Justin P.O.V
Holy fuck. Holy fuck. She doesn't pull back. To my surprise she wraps her arms around my neck. My arms snake around her slim waist. Her lips were soft and plump. Her lips also tasted like cherries. Holy hell. we were caught up in our little world to care if people were watching us. I could feel little sparks as we were kissing. she pulls back and start to blush a deep shade of red.

" Go on a date with me yeah? " I ask her. She freezes up for a second.

" I-I umm ughh..." she stumbles out and runs off the bus. What just happened. I turn to run after her but someone catches my arm stopping me from going to get her.

" Justin let her go she'll come back to you I promise. She needs to think that's all. She'll be back. " kellin says pulling me back. What have I done.

" Kellin why did she run?" I ask. Kellin sighs and sits next to me. He started to fiddle with his fingers.

" kellin what are you keeping from me?" I ask again. He looks up at me and sighs.

" Justin it's not that easy. I can tell she afraid. " he whispers. I look at him confused. why would she be afraid of me. I felt a pain in my chest. She afraid of me.

" Kellin what is that suppose to mean?" I question. He rubs his thighs and he bites his lip.

" Justin she's afraid of falling in love with you. " He says softly. i look at him with questioning eyes. He shakes his head like he wasn't done.

" Why would she be afraid of loving me?" I press. Kellin sighs softly and runs a hand in his hair.

" You have to promise me you won't look at her any different " he say. I hold out my pinky and he wraps his pinky around mine. He swallows the lump in his throat.

" well...Justin...she is an cupio." Kellin finally says. What?

" Justin do you know what that even is?" He asks. Now he was staring at me. His eye piercing my soul. I shake my head "no". He sighs heavily. I felt embarrassed that i don't know what that is.

" it means she's doesn't want to experience sexual attraction but wants to relationship. I've seen her so heart broken over this. Justin I'm the only other person who knows about this. Her family doesn't even know. Justin you have to be really open minded. She afraid. She's never really been in love. Do not treat her different. Its already hard for her. do you understand me. " Kellin says grabbing me by my shoulders.

" I-I-I don't know what to say...kellin you know how I am...what I need" I whisper. Kellin shakes his head at me. I feel awful.

" Justin if you love her you will try. if you truly love her you will try your damn hardest to understand her. Love her. cherish her. Justin she never had these feeling for someone. she capable of loving someone. Why should that matter? " Kellin says harshly. I deserve it. I'm a terrible person.

" what are you going to tell her Justin? What are you going to tell her? I can't be with you because you won't have sex with me...sorry. Or I'm going to work past this because I love you too damn much to let you go. Justin your head is so far up your ass. " Kellin scoffs.

" It's not like that kellin..." I whisper. I would question why he's mad. But it's his best friend. He care for her like she's his sister.

" Then what is it Justin... what is it? What's stoping you?" He somewhat grits. I was pissing off the wrong person that's for damn sure.

" What's stopping me?! What's stoping me is that she not sexual attracted to me kellin! How can I be with a person who can give me what I need. what if I want kids kellin. If I can sleep with her then the more likely I would hurt her or cheat on her " I hiss. Kellin shook his head angrily at me.

" It's not all about having sex with her Justin! That girl has been through so much because of this. " kellin hisses at me.

" You don't understand kellin " I whisper.

" I don't understand!? I don't fucking understand?! are you fucking kidding me Justin! I've know her for almost all my fucking life! I know she's fucking different. I love her for that! When she came out to me she was so fucking afraid that she was going to leave her,hate her, think that she was going to treat her different. So don't tell me I don't understand! I sat my happy ass down and learn the best I could about her. I did my best! She cried when I told her I did my research and loved and support her just the fucking same. So don't tell me I don't under stand! I've been there thick and thin for her! " Kellin yells. I open my mouth to say some thing but nothing comes out. Kellin scoffs at me.

" She's the same girl you met Justin! The same fucking girl you fell in love with! The same girl who you have know for all these year! " kellin yells. i sigh heavily.He's right.

" What are you going to do Justin? " he asks.

"I'm going to try and work this out... Try my best to understand her. " I swallow the lump in my throat. I love her...i can't lose her. Shes beautiful and everything I want. im going to have to suck it up and get a sock. lord. I look at the time on my phone. Shit we had to leave!

" Kellin we gotta go to stage! " I yell. we both rush off the bus making our way back inside. I see Juliet but she wasn't alone. She was hugging Vic and his arms were wrapped around her. I felt jealousy run all through my body. Her head was buried in his neck as he's was resting on his head on her shoulder.

" Justin let it go! We gotta play a show! Let her cry it out with vic! Come on!" Kellin says dragging me away.

" What do you mean she's crying? " I ask while being dragged. kellin looks at me.

" I've know her for over 20 years now I know when she crying! She dose that! She buries her face in your neck. " he say. I nod but I was still upset. we both head to side stage to get ready. I grab in ears and my bass and tune everyone out. Play a show then you can go back to the bus. We play our show but I wasn't acting like my self but the show must go on. I do my best to attempt to put on a show. after we were done I rush back to the bus. I change into sweats and a shirt. I hear sniffles coming from one of the bunks. Pushing open Juliet's curtain I see her laying on her stomach clutching her pillow in her arms. I could hear music playing very loudly. my heart broke. I place a hand on her back.she Flips over and looks over at me with tear filled eyes. my heart snapped in half. she buries her head in her pillow. I bring my hands to her face. I gently brush some of her hair out the way and hold her head in my hands. I plant a small kiss on her forehead.

" you are to beautiful to cry..." I whisper while wiping her tears away with my thumbs. She sniffles and her eyes never leave mine. Her eyes were so beautiful.

" If you-you know what-what I'd-you'd hate me." she chokes. I shake my head at her and brush her cheeks softly with my thumbs.

" Can we talk in the back lounge?" I ask her softly. she lets out a small "yeah". I move so she could hop out her bunk. we both walk towards the back of the bus. We both sit in silence. Painful silence of her sniffling.

"Kellin already told me..." I brake the silence. I look up at her and she brakes down holding her head in her hands.

" You hate me huh" she whimpers though tears. I place a kiss on her hair.

" No I don't. I still think your the same beautiful Juliet I met a long time ago." I whisper. she looks up at me.

"You hated-hated me before...why not now?" She asks. I sigh softly and rub her back softly.

"I was dumb. I was really really dumb. I didn't see it before. but I...i really have feeling for you" I say softly. She looks up at me with watery eyes. I kiss her temple.

"Juliet...i really want to try and work this out between us. We-I want to work this out." I say softly.

" I want to work it out too." she say barley above a whisper. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips. I reach for her hand and interlock our finger together.

"Will you go out on a date with me?" I ask.

"Yes" she whispers.

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