Chapter 7

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Juliet P.O.V
Holy fuck I have a date with Justin fucking Hills. I never really saw that coming at all. He likes me for who I really am. he wants to work it out. A small yawn escapes my lips

" We should go to bed..." Justin's whispers in my ear. he places a kiss on my cheek letting his lips linger for a a few moments. I blush a deep shade of red.

" Ye-yeah " I mutter getting up. I walked over to the bunks. Climbing into my buck I look at Justin one last time.

"Goodnight Justin." I give him a slight smile. Justin gives me a smile and climbs into his buck across from mine.

" Goodnight Juliet." he smiles. I shut my curtain and snuggle into my blankets. I hear the guys come back from where ever. Most likely the bar. meaning they are probably shit faced. I groan into my pillow. my curtain was pulled open and a very drunk kellin.

"Juliet! Come hang out with us!" He slurs. lord.

" Kellin no come one lets get you to bed." I sigh getting out my bunk. Fuck I was nice and warm. fucking dicks getting drunk and shit.

"No I wanna stay up!" He giggle. I sigh and shake my head. All the other guys were already in there bunks. thanks guys. so helpful leaving me with a drunk kellin.

" Kellin come on! Let's go to bed! It's like 2:45 in the morning come on." I hiss. He starts giggling and rushes to the kitchen. lord. I walk over to Justin's bunk and push back his curtain. His blue eyes meet my amber color ones.

"Can you please help me with him...i might hit him and then we won't have a singer. then no happy fans." I mutter. He chuckles a bit and hops out his bunk.

" I'll take care of him. you go get some sleep beautiful." he smirks and kisses my forehead. I smile and climb back into my bunk.

"Thanks Justin" I say before shutting my curtain. I curl up into my blankets.

"Kellin come on! Sleep we can drink tomorrow! Come on!" Justin grumbles. After what seem like a lot of arguing kelly was finally put in bed. I close my eyes. I drift slowly asleep.
I groan awake when I here chit chat happening right near my bunk. I swear to fuck if they wake me up I'll hit them. im tired as hell. I feel for my phone and look at the time. 10:15. I shut my eyes once more.

"Wait you finally asked her on a date? Sweet dude! one step away from tapping dat ass." Gabe jokes. oh my fucking god! No!

"Gabe no it's not going to be like that. I'm taking this girl seriously." Justin mutters. Gabe laughs and pats Justin shoulder. I peek my head out the curtain to see Justin running a hand in his hair.

"Good morning Justin." I whisper. he looks up and smiles.

"You wanna go get breakfast with me?" He asks. I smile and hop out my bunk.

"Yeah that would be nice. Let me get dressed real quick" I smile. I dig around for some clean cloths. I find a Vans crew neck with black sleeves and grey body and a pair of black leggings. I change my plugs and snap on my razor cuff. I do my normal makeup and straighten my red hair. I walk out to the living area.

"Ready?" Justin asks. I smile and nod. He gets up and grabs my hand. We both walk off the bus.

"So where are we going to eat at?" I ask. Justin looks over and smiles again.

"There is a Denny's not to far from here. hope that's okay with you? Or we can go somewhere else" he rambles on. I squeeze him hand getting his attention.

"Justin its fine with me." I smile and kiss his cheek. He blushes and swings our hands together. he's so sweet I swear. We reach Denny's and walk in. This older lady walks us to a booth. Justin and I sit across from each other.

"What can I get y'all to drink?" She asks politely.

"Can I get an coffee " I ask. "and can I also get a coffee and a water." Justin says. The lady smiles and walks off.

"This is really sweet of you Justin." I mutter looking up from my menu. He smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrow at me. I scrunch my face at him and giggle.

"It's really no problem juleit" he smiles. The lady comes back and sets our coffee down. She pulls the pen out her bun.

"What can I get y'all?" She asks. I look at Justin. He smiles a bit.

"I'll have the 4 egg omelet with bacon." He smiles. she writes it down and looks at me "And for you doll?" She smiles.

"Oh I umm have French toast with bacon and scrambled eggs." I say shyly. She smiles widely. "alrighty. I'll be back with y'all's orders shortly." she smiles and collects our menus. She walks off. I take a sip of my coffee.

"You're so adorable. I'm going to die." Justin says jokingly. I blush a deep shade of red.

"Shut up" I giggle. He sticks his tongue out at me. I hold my hand over my heart.

"So rude Justin so rude." I fake hurt. he laughs a bit. Justin takes his phone out while I was taking a drink of my coffee. I narrow my eye when I realized he took a picture of me.

"I don't even look that cute today!" I whine. he laughs a bit and shakes his head.

"You look cute always Juliet" he smiles. I blush again. what is he doing to me. He's killing me. I see our waitress come over with out tray of food.

"Here y'all are! In joy! Wave me over if y'all need any thing!" She say with a grin. Justin and I thank her and dig in. we eat our food and finish our coffee. I went to pay but justin wouldn't let me. I gave up after 5 minutes of fighting. once he paid we walked back to the bus.

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