Chapter 8

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A few weeks later
I was walking back to the bus. I had to go help with sound check. Plus kellin wanted to talk to me after I was done. About what I have no clue but he wanted to talk. I see Jaime talking to Vic. His face changes when he see me walk over. I give him a confused look.

"Hey Juliet! Where you heading?" Jaime smiles dimples showing.

" Hey hime-time! Vic! I was heading to back to Sleeping bus kelly poo wanted to talk to me" I smile. They both smile at me.

" Well you better head that way you know how kellin gets" Vic says. something was up. I don't know what but something was.

"Yeah... I'll see you guys later." I smile giving them each a hug. They hug me back giving me a light squeeze. I walk off to find kellin.

" JUSTIN SHES GOING TO FLIP HER SHIT WHEN SHE FINDS OUT! JUSTIN HOW COULD YOU! " Mike yells. what? I lean against the wall to listen. Mike never yelled at anyone. And who's she? Was this about me? What would I be mad about?

"Mike iTs not like that! I was doing it for kellin! I can't ruin his friendship mike! He would be devastated! I did what I had to do mike!" Justin says. my heart sank. I felt tears pool in my eyes. but I was refusing to let them fall. That failed. I wipe them away with my sleeve. I was being used.


"I'm not going to tell her mike! She's happy and kellin likes her happy! At first I was. Its not like that now! I really do like her!" Justin tries.

"Fuck you Justin. I'm going to tell her I hope she fucks you up because I know she will. you're a dumb fuck that shouldn't get to know her. You are such an asshole. I don't fucking care if you Like her now. You used her. people don't like to be used!" mike hisses.

"I was in the beginning not now! We really get along now! I really like her. I was willing to give sex to be with her! Was I still using her then mike. Was I?!" Justin explains. fuck him. he was toying with me. Tears fall down my cheeks. Fuck him. FUCK HIM. I walk around the corner. I look at both of them. I wipe my tear with my sleeve.

"Fuck you Justin. I-I trusted you, and you played me. you toyed with my feelings. How could you. I hope you have fun telling kellin why I left. I can't believe I forgave you and trusted you." I sniffle. I turn on my heels to head back to the bus to pack my stuff. Fuck Justin. Fuck everyone.

"JULIET WAIT!" Justin pleads. I keep walking but someone grabs my arm. I was turned around to face Justin who had tears in his blue eyes. I tug my arm away.

"Fuck off Justin" I hiss. He wouldn't let go. His grip tighten. It sorta hurt but it was manageable.

"Juliet please" he whines. I try to tug my arm away again but failed. it was starting to hurt.

"You already caused enough damage! Stop! Let go of me! You're hurting me" I cry. He drops his hand and looks at me.

"Please...please listen to me..." He whispers. I shake my head at him and start walking away. I hate him. I hate him for using me. why did I ever believe him.

"JULEIT PLEASE YOURE ACTING CHILDISH." he yell. I stop dead in my track and look dead at him.

"I'm acting childish! I'm acting childish? let me get this straight I'm acting like a child! Last time I checked you used me. I never asked if we could be friends. Did you make that part up too. Was it because I don't have any fucking interest in sex. What is it Justin! I never did anything to you. You have always hated me. god know fucking why so fuck off. Have fun telling kellin what you've done." I hiss with tears falling down my cheeks. I rush off to the bus. Justin was following me calling after me.

I swing open the bus door and then slam it close. I notice kellin sitting in the front but I was to fucking pissed to care. I look for my luggage and unzip it. I start throw my shit that was in my bunk in my bag. Kellin walks over to me.

"Hey what's happening? Why are you packing?" Kellin asks. He places a hand on my shoulder pulling me back.

"I'm sorry. kellin I'm so sorry." I whisper grabbing my bag zipping it. He looks at me with his lost blue green eyes. I grab my luggage and start to walk to the door.

"Juliet...please." Kellin whispers. I look down frown. I wipe some tears off my face. Kellin lip quivers and his eyes are glossy. Justin walks in and stops. He staring at kellin and i. I kiss kellin's forehead and place my hand on his cheek. I brush away his tears.

"I love you big bro...ill see you soon..." I mutter. Kellin kisses my cheeks softly.

"I love you too little sis... I'll see you soon."he whispers. I nod my head.

"Bye kellin." I whisper. I walk off the bus and shut the door. I slid down the side of the bus and broke down. I saw a shadow walk my way. They squat in front of me.

"Holy fuck? Juliet? What's happening? Are you okay?" Tony asks softly. I shake my head quickly and hug my knee to my chest. I see Vic round the corner. Vic nudges tony out the way and squats down. he removes my arms from my from my legs.

"Hey darlin. We gotta get up. Come on." Vic rushes and grabs my arms pulling me up. My legs feel like jelly.

"Tony grab her stuff" Vic says. His voice was laced with worry. I watch tony grab my bag and Vic scoops me up in his arms. I burry my face in Vic's neck. His hair was tickling my face. I was a sniffling crying mess. As we walk to where ever I see people looking over at us.

"JULIET YOU CANT DO THIS TO THIS! YOU CANT DO THIS TO KELLIN!"Justin yells. I tighten my grip on Vic's neck. Vic curses under his breath. We start to walk faster. Justin was still calling after us.

" Tone can you get the door?" Vic asks. The door open and Vic walks up the steps and sets me down.

"Hey Juliet I'm going to deal with him alright. mike! Jaime!" Vic says with a slight smile. He wipes away some of my tears. Jaime and mike walk over.

"Vic what's going on?" Jaime asks.

"Justin is a lying scum bag and hurt this one." mike answers for Vic and nods towards me. Mike looked super pissed. Jaime sits next to me and pulls me on to his lap. I wrap arms around him and nuzzle my face in his neck. He rubs my back softly. Someone knocked at the bus door.

" Tony stay back with Them. Vic and I will take care off this." mike grumbles. Tony sits next to us and places a hand on my lower back.

" Are you really leaving?" Tony asks softly.

" concert maybe. sorry guys. I'll always be a phone call away." I mumble softly.

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