Chapter 29

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At this rate we were counting down the days. Three days left. We've all the ptv guys and their girlfriends here. Lynn was also staying here along with Ricky and True. So it was a lot of people. Vic's girlfriend and I were getting along real well actually.

"Who else is staying here? This it?" Joel asks. I nod my head.

" this should be everyone. Everyone else got a hotel room near the venue." I say. He nods his head and grabs my hand.

"Three more days. Just three more days till you are my wife" Joel mumbles in my ear. I giggle before kissing my hand. Someone runs down the stairs screeching.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK" I yell. Jaime and Tony both smile at me. I shake my hand at the both of them.

"Sorry Jay Jay" they both say. I roll my eyes and get up.

"Where you going babe?" Joel asks.

"Just going out to have a smoke. I shouldn't be long" I say with a slight smile. Joel nods and I walk to the kitchen. I grab a one and tuck it behind my ear. Walking outside I was greeted by Mike.

" can I bum one off you?" Mike asks. I shake my head at him.

"I only took one. Sorry" I say lighting my cig. He makes a face and leans on the bar area.

"Damn what happen to the girl who always had cigarettes out the ass?" Mike ask with a slight laugh. I giggle and blow out smoke.

"She got herself a man...and she also trying to cut down." I say taking a drag. Man 3 more days of these assholes then they head back to San Diego and out my hair.

"I'm happy you invited us to your wedding. You've grown up. Joel is very lucky to have you Jay..." mike says. I nod my head with a slight smile. I put my cig in the ash tray and look at mike.

"Man I missed you when I went M.I.A. You were my go to man with a plan. I missed my best friend." I say. Mike nudges my shoulder.

"You know I never gave you this back." He says digging in his jacket pocket. My eyebrows scrunch in confusion. He pulls out my vape pen.

"YOU NUGGET! YOU'VE HAD IT ALL THIS TIME!" I yell with excitement. I grab it from his hand and hold it over my head.

"I SAW YOU AT WARPED TOUR YOU ASS!" I yell slapping his arm.

"I'm sorry little miss. You kinda avoided all of us till you saw tone. But it's better late then never." Mike laughs.

"My wedding gift better be a new vape you asshole!" I laugh. Mike rolls his eyes and nods his head.

" whatever you say" he say. I roll my eyes and walk back inside. I run into some one like I alway do. I look to see it was Danielle.

"Sorry!" We both say at the same time. We both laugh a little.

" I want to say thank you for inviting Vic and I to your wedding." She says with a small smile. I shake my head and smile.

"It's no problem. I know how much Vic loves you and it wouldn't be fair to have everyone else here. Plus I don't want people to try to get in Vic's pants." I giggle. She laughs and nods.
Justin Hills P.O.V
I was at Gabes house because he need help with whatever. So like the good friend I am I'm going to help. I get out my car and head up the steps. I knock on the door and wait. The door swings open and Gabe pulls me in.

" thanks so much dude!" He says. I laugh and shut the door behind me.

"It's no problem! What do you need help with?" I ask.

" I just need some help moving some stuff to the shed." He smiles.

"Let me go pee real quick and we can get started. Just wait in the kitchen." Gabe says. I nod and head to the kitchen. Like the nosey person I am I look at all the stuff on the counter. One thing caught my eye. It was a wedding invite. I look closer and my heart dropped. She's getting married in three days? My jaw clenched. That should be me! Not this Joel guy! Gabe rounds the corner and I shove the invite in my pocket.

"What are you doing?" Gave asks. I pick up a random ad and hold it up.

"Just looking at the ad" I say and hold up a Best Buy ad. He looks at me oddly but nods his head. We move stuff out to the shed for a while till it was dark out.

"Thanks again Justin. You were a big help." Gabe says. I smile and shake my head.

"It's no problem." I say.

"See you later Justin" Gabe says. I walk out to my car and head home. I pull out the drive way and head down the street. I pull over and turn on the car lights so I could read the invite.

"Fuck me!" I hiss and hit the steering wheel of my car.

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