Chapter 17

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Whoa whoa whoa WHOA! Why in the living fuck was Justin kissing me! I shove him off me and wipe my lips with my shirt.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I screech. I see Joel looking at us and drops the water. His face held anger. Joel walks over and shoves Justin away from me.

"Dude what the fuck! Don't touch me!" Justin growls and pushes Joel back. Oh for the love of god why now. I try to get kellin or Nicks attention. But they weren't paying any sort of attention. Fucking shit. Both of them were pushing each other.god fucking dammit. I was afraid they were going to start hitting.

"KELLIN! NICK!" I yell. But they don't hear me. this was going to end bad.

"WHAT ARE YOU TO HER ANYWAY!" Justin yells. Joel laughs a bit and shoves him hard. okay do I step in and try and stop it. Or find some and stop them.

"SHES MY GIRLFRIEND! THATS WHAT SHE IS TO ME!" Joel yells back at him. this was not going to end well. fucking shit. I see Justin's hand pull back and swing at Joel.

"KELLIN!" I scream. Kellin and nick both look over at me. They both rush over. I was already rushing over to Justin and Joel.

"STOP IT!" I yell. Do they listen? No. They keep swinging at each other. Kellin and Nick grab Justin and pull him away. Joel went to hit him again but I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Calm down please." I mutter in his chest. Joel's hands run in my hair trying to calm him self down. I pull away and cup his face with my hands.

"Jesus Joel!" I gasp. He frowns slightly. His lip was busted,cheek was bruised and his noses was bleeding. I grab his hands and saw that his right hand was busted. I kiss the bruised hand softly letting lips linger. I sigh heavily and let his hand go.

"Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted like that." He whispers. I place my hands on his face and run my thumb on his cheek.

"Joel it's okay I'm not mad. it's fine. He kissed me and all you were doing was defining me. It's okay." I say softly.i kiss his nose.

"I HAVE THE RIGHT TO TALK TO HER!" I hear Justin yell. Why can't he just let me go. why. Just let me go.

"Just ignore him okay." he says giving me a small smile. He brushes part of my hair behind my ear. I couldn't help but give him a slight smile.

"KELLIN LET ME TALK TO HER! I NEED TO TALK TO HER." Justin yells once more sounding desperate. Joel frowns slightly and grabs my hand.

"Come on. help me get cleaned you. Ricky told me you were good at these type if things." Joel says softly. I nod my head and we start to walk off. I felt my phone vibrating like crazy. I pull it out my ground pocket and saw a string of messages from justin.

"Please Juliet

Can we talk about this?

Please I want to talk to face to face.

I want you to know I'm really really sorry...


I know I was an asshole but hear me out

I need you...

I fell apart after you left...So did all the guys. Kellin wasn't the same. He missed you a lot. The fans could tell.

Come on please! I know I fucked up and that was a huge mistake. I don't know why i did it.

I hope you know I really did love you. I still do." I read. My heart stopped at the last message.i shove my phone in my pocket. I didn't have butterflies. I didn't feel any sparks when he kissed me. All my feelings I had for him disappeared. I only felt the sparks for Joel. He could kiss my cheek,hand,forehead or shoulder and it would tingle. With Joel everything felt different. A lot of people think that I can fall in love because I'm Cupio For awhile I was fine on my own with a group friends that supported me. But as I was getting older I felt the desire to date someone and seek for a long term deal.

"Hey are you okay?" Joel's voices ask braking me from my thoughts. I chew my bottom lip. Joel pulls us aside and stands in front of me.

"What's wrong?" He asks softly. I look down at my feet. I was trying to avoid his eyes. Joel places two fingers under my chin.

"Justin... he sent me a few message that hit hard. It made me think of stuff that I don't want to think about." I whisper.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He ask. I nod my head and fiddle with my fingers.

"Joel for the longest time I was fine without someone. Then I got a little bit older and people were settling down. I just wanted to fit in. So I dated a guy named Travis. He was pretty nice guy. But after some thought I was going to brake it off with him. But he broke it off with me. We acted more like friends then a couple. I wasn't that sad about it but it hurt. Then the world tour happened and things were changing to much for my liking. I thought I found love which was very new for me. I maybe thought Justin was the one to show me what it was. I felt the sparks. I felt the tingles. I felt the pain when he hurt me. The last message he sent me said 'I hope you know I really did love you. I still do.' It hit hard. He used me and he says that. I don't feel like that for him anymore. When he kissed me I felt nothing. With you anytime you kiss me I feel the tingles for what seem like forever. With you I feel safe. you make me feel special. You are very sweet and caring and I love that about you. Every time I'm with you I get butterflies. My heart race picks up. I don't want Justin to fuck with my feelings for you. I like the way I am around with." I whisper.

"I feel the same way Juliet. You make me have butterflies every time I'm around you. I get the tingles. You make me feel like I'm cloud 9. You make me feel important when I don't feel like anyone cares." He whispers. I bring my hands to his face. I press my lips to his lips softly.

"You are something else" Joel says resting his forehead on mine. I giggle and tug at joels hair.

"That's why you love me" I grin.

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