Chapter 21

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The visit at my moms house went very well. Today, we have my high school reunion. Do I want to go? No. I don't want to see any of the fake girls I was "friends" with. I'm excited to see some of my real friends tho. Joel is really wants to meet my friends so I don't mind.

"JOOOOOOOOEL MY LOVE!" I yell. He peeks his head out the bathroom door.

"Yeah?" He asks. I fix my jean jacket and look at him.

"Do I look alright?" I ask. He opens the bathroom door all the way and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around my midsection and nuzzles his head in my neck.

" you look beautiful as always babe" Joel mumbles in my ear. I giggle and blush. I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest.

"Put on a tank top or shirt so we can roll out this bitch" I mumble in his chest. Joel laughs and pulls away.

"Had to ruin our moment didn't you?" He chucks. I kiss his cheek and giggle.

"Yep! Now hurry!" I say with a goofy smile on my face. Joel slips on a maroon shirt and his jacket. He grabs my hand and we head down stairs.

"Kelly boo boo bear! We're rolling out again!" I yell. I grab my keys and bag. Kellin slides over to us.

"Where y'all heading? Can I go?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Do you really want to come to our old high school?" I ask. Kellin makes a face. Joel and i both laugh.

"Ew never mind" he says. I roll my eyes and grab Joel's hand. We walk out to the car and hop in.

"Are you ready for this!" I screech. Joel looks at me and then nods his head with a smile. Well that's good I guess. The drive really want that far. Maybe 20 minutes away from the house. Joel blasts slipknot on our short drive.

"This is my shit!" I yell and turn it up. Joel laughs and grabs my free hand. We reach the school and I park the car. I take a deep breath and look at Joel.

"Are you sure about this? We don't have to go if you don't want to." I say. Joel looks at me with a curious expression.

"What's wrong? Why don't you want to go in?" He asks. He places his hand on my cheek and rubs his thumb over my cheek bone.

"I really hate a lot of people who are here. They were just assholes. Even if I was a cheerleader it was still hard for me." I say. Joel kisses my head and looks me in the eyes.

"It will be okay babe. You got your resting bitch face boyfriend with you." He smiles. I chuckle and shake my head.

"If someone says something stupid tell me so I can kick ass." I smirk. Joel rolls his eyes with a slight smile.

"I will... Now let's go meet your friends" he says. We both get out the car and start to walk to the gym. Joel grabs my hand giving it a reassuring squeeze. The school still looked old as shit and had the same shit cement that you'd trip on. Joel and I check in and get our name tags. We head inside the gym to be greeted by a shit ton of people. I look to the corner and saw my old group of friends. My ride or die group. I drag Joel to where they were.

"I don't suck dick for Jesus...I suck his dick for Satan." I say. I never seen people's heads whip around so quick.

"JULIET?!" They all yell. I start laughing at them and the fact that Joel was beet red at my statement. They all hug me and Joel steps to the side. I shove them off me.

"We didn't think you'd come!" Ashley says. I grab Joel's hand and pull him closer to me.

"That's what she said and this is my boyfriend Joel. Joel this is Adrian and Ashley happily married. Miranda and Carlos. Hannah and her hubby Connor. Valeria and her hubby Eric." I smile.

"Hey guys. Nice to meet you." Joel smiles. They all give him wide smiles. Thank god. I smirk at all of them.

"Your girl is a cougar and got her a nice young one" I laugh. They all bust out laughing.

"Man we all thought you'd end up with a older guy...guess not. We like this one." Ashley laughs. Joel face turns beet red. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"How are you my string bean?" I ask Connor. He blushes and Hannah gives me a look. I give her a smirk.

"I'm good jay jay. Thanks for asking." He says with a slight smile. I give him a toothy smile. Connor and Adrian were my guy best friends. They played football and you know I was a cheer leader so they knew who I was. Adrian and I were friends for a while. He started dating Ashley and then bestie we were. Joel snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me close.

"Jay jay no tattoos?" They all ask. I roll my eyes at all of them. I pull my jacket down a bit. They all gasp and roll there eyes.

"Well that doesn't surprise me" Ashley says. Everyone nods and smiles.

"Can we go get a drink?" Joel asks. I nod my head and lace our hands together.

"We will be back!" I tell all my friends. Joel and I make our way to the drinks. Joel hand me a drink and I gladly take it.

"Is that all your friends?" Joel asks. I shake my head at him.

"That's my main group of people who I stuck around with most of my life. I had some people in my class I talked to I guess." I explain. He nods his head as we walk back. I bump into someone. Which wasn't anything new.

"Holy shit sorry" I say. I look to see who I ran into. Of course it had to be the one person who fucked with my life. I narrow my eyes at her and walk off. I drag a confused Joel behind me. Joel pulls me to a stop.

"Hey what was that about?" He asks. I sigh and run a hand in my hair. Joel grabs my hands and squeezes them.

"She just from my past...fucked with my life for a while...I'm over it now" I say. He nods his head not pressing it any further. We walk back to my little group of friends. Joel wraps his arm around my waist.

"so jay jay what's been happening with you?" Adrian asks. I laugh a bit and lean into Joel's side.

"I'm a tech for his band. I've been touring around. Warped tour was hella fun. " I smile. They all smile at me and nod.

"Jay jay you should come speak at the career fair for the school. For the kids who want to go into music. I think they'd like you" Hannah says. I look at her confused.

"Why me? I'm not that interesting." I say. She shakes her head at me and pinches the bride of her nose.

"You tour with bands. A lot of kids would find that very cool. The fact that you toured with your best friends band and a crap ton other bands. Not to mention that you've toured with some of your favorite bands!" She says. I nod my head.

"You have my number still? Just text me the details and I'm happy to do it." I grin. I could see Joel smiling at me.

"Duh! Of course I do!" Hannah laughs. Great! I'm reconnected with old friends! I missed them all so much.

"Fuck man! I missed you all so much!" I say.

"We all missed you too!" They yell. I start giggling at all of them. Joel laughs and smiles at my happiness.

"Your friends are so normal" Joel whispers in my ear. I nod my head and chuckle.

" I know! How I was friends with them for so long beats me." I say. I place my arm around his waist.

"Jay remember when you joined cheer and you were the only non princess cheerleader on the squad!" Connor laughs. Oh god I forgot about that! That was great. Most of the girls hated me but maybe 2.

"My god! Don't remind me! Short dresses and skirts then there was me! Skinny jeans and a band tee! Different hair color every once in a while. Jesus they all hated me!" I laugh. Joel even started laughing. After what seem like a few hours it was time to head home. I hug all my friends goodbye. Joel and I walk hand in hand back to they car and head home.

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