Chapter 22

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I woke up with my head rested on Joel's chest. Fuck! Joel and I have are going to my dads house today. I sigh softly and bury my face in Joel's chest. Joel moves around a little and pulls me closer. I smile in his in his chest. Am i looking forward to seeing my dad? Fuck no. I just know it won't go well in the end. Why must my real dad have to be a huge asshole.

"Good morning babe" Joel grumbles. I shift my head so I could look up at him. I kiss his chin and he laces our hands together.

"Good morning love" I say. A slight smile twitches on the corner of his lips. I laugh a little bit. I love this nerd so much. Joel runs his free hand up and down my back soothingly.

"Why are you so tense?" He asks with his morning voice. I sigh softly and Joel pulls me closer to him. He sighs in my ear and kisses my head.

"It's that you are my gentle giant and my dad is a bit of an asshole. You are just to sweet for stepmom is a real bitch and her kids are terrible. My-dad he is just a republican asshat who has a lot to say. I don't want him to say shit about us. I know he will because I'm older then you and the fact that you are in a band. He already hates the job I have. So now I don't give a fuck what he says. I just don't know about you... I grew up with it. You didn't" I say drifting off. Joel squeezes me close to him humanly possible.

"It will be okay babe. If it gets bad we can leave. Okay?" He says kissing my temple. I smile a little bit.

"Okay." I say and nuzzle my face in his neck. Someone knocks on the door causing me to groan.

"PLEASE DONT BE NAKED!" Kellin yells on the other side of the door. I sigh heavily and slap my face with my hand.

"IM PRETTY SURE YOU KNOW I WOULDN'T AND IF YOU DID HOW DARE YOU!" I yell back. Joel laughs and kisses my hair. Kellin peeks his head in and saw that we were just laying in bed. He walked in and looked at me.

"Breakfast is ready." He says with a dorky smile. I groan and look at my phone. 9:30 lord.

"Come on babe. Let's go eat" Joel chuckles. We both roll out of bed and stretch. I slip on my Dino slippers. Kellin grabs Joel and I hands and drags us down stairs.

"Aunty Jay! Joel!" The kids all giggle. I kiss the top of all three of the kids heads. Joe and I take a seat at the table. We grab some of the food that's on the table and dig in.
Few hours later
I stand in a fancy type black tank top and my underwear looking for something to wear. The door opens and shuts softly.

"Holy shit! I'm sorry!" Joel says shielding his eyes. I bust out laughing and look at my beet red boyfriend.

"Babe it's fine. I don't mind" I say. My lips curve into a smile. He's so cute oh my god. His face was still red. I lean up and kiss his cheek. I'm pretty sure Kellin was giving a long pep talk to Joel. Which I'm sure I was the one who needed it not him. At one point I was close to my dad but then I started to have my own voice on things. Which he didn't like. Thus why I like my mom better. I pull out a leopard pencil skirt and toss it on my bed. I hate having to dress up for my dad house. I just want to show up in sweats just to piss him off.

"Kellin gave me a pep talk..." Joel says braking the silents that was in the room. I turn to look at him.

"It's sad to have my best friend who is like my brother give my boyfriend a pep talk on my dad. It's sad." I say with a slight frown. I unzip the right side of the skirt and pull it on zipping it. Joel pulls on his button up.

"At this point I want to show up in sweats and a shirt. Just to piss him off" I grumble. I smooth my skirt out and look for my black t-strap heels. I look for my pearl necklace and earring that my great grandma gave me. Running a hand in my now curled hair I sigh softly. I looked like a pinup girl. Which was a way to rebel against my father in away.

"You look beautiful matter what anyone says."Joel says kissing my cheek. I look at my reflection one last time before grabbing Joel's hand and walking down stairs. Kellin looks at the both of us and whistles.

"Kellin! I know I look hot!" I say sarcastically. He gives me a weird look.

"That was for Joel not you...but okay" he laughs. Joel laughs and try's to hide the red on his cheeks. I laugh and roll my eyes. I place my hand on Joel's chest.

"Mine" I growl playfully. Joel and I head out to the car. I jump in the drivers seat and start the car. Joel get in the car and plugs his phone in. we drive for a hour or so before we pulled up to my dads house. It's now or never I suppose.

"Are you ready for this?" I ask softly. Joel nods his head and we get out the car. Joel grabs my hand and we walk to the front door. I ring the door bell and squeeze Joel's hand. The door swings open to reveal my step mom.

"JAY BIRD!"  She squeals. I force a smile. Who the fuck does she think she is? I told her not to call me that. I take a deep breath and squeeze Joel's hand tightly.

"How rude of me! Come in!" She grins. She turns around and I make a face at her. Joel and I walk in. Joel pulls me closer. I think he knew I was trying not to snap and the fact that she made me uncomfortable.

"Jay honey!" My dad says pulling me into a hug. We pull away and he looks at Joel.

"You must be Joel...Juliet's boyfriend" my dad asks. Well no shit father.

"No dad! This is my best friend Joel! I want you to met my best friend!" I say sarcastically. My dad chucks a little bit. My step mons- I mean mother walks over and grabs my dads hand.

"Anyways nice to meet you finally. Jay here likes to keep secrets and didn't tell us she was dating you" my dad smiles.

"There was a reason for that asshole" I mumble under my breath but the bitch narrows her eyes at me.

"Jay bird hon lets go finish dinner. Let your father talk to Joel" says my stepmother. I grit my teeth but smile and nod. I give Joel a look before I was dragged into the kitchen.

"Would you for the love of Satan himself stop fucking calling me Jay bird!" I hiss. She looks taken back but then makes a face at me.

"You really need to go back to church honey. I think you need it. I mean Joel won't want a girl who talks like that. When you get married your father and I don't want to see you talking like that." She smiles. You know what she's going to learn today.

"Yes because sending me to church is going to cure me! Please! You think Joel has a problem with how I fucking talk? Are you mad? He doesn't give a fuck! News flash Lorena you are not my mom or my family! You will not attend my wedding!" I growl.

"Jay bird honey...I think that music you listen to is effecting how you think. I'm trying to help you. I pray every night for you. I think you need to stop hanging out with those devil worshiper friends. Kellin that girl is not good for you...she has you getting tattoos!" She says trying to pat my hand. I've put up with this bull shit for to fucking long 

"Kellin is a guy and has been my best friend for years. I won't ever stop being friends with him. The music I listen to and the people are fucking work with are the sweetest people I know. Pray all you fucking want, i'm still better then your pregnant druggie daughter" I smile sweetly. Man this felt good. I could hear Joel arguing with my dad.

"Look here sir! Your daughter is the greatest thing to happen to me! Nothing is wrong with her. And with you saying that she's a cupio like its a bad thing is a joke. I love her just the way she is." Joel say. I walk out into the living room.

"I knew this was a terrible idea...Joel babe lets go home" I say grabbing his arm. He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk out the house. Joel was doing the jaw thing guys do when they are mad. Lord it was hella on Joel.

"I'm sorry..." Joel says stopping in his tracks. I look up at him and saw he was looking at his shoes.

"Why? It's not your fault my dad and step monster are fucking shit" I say. I lift his chin so he was looking at me. I kiss him softly and rub his cheek with my thumb.

"Come on let's head home." I say. We both jump in the car. Joel plays some music and grabs my hand. We drive home listing to whatever Joel's playlist had in store for us.

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