Chapter 23

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Career fair day
I felt someone shake my shoulder waking me up. Groaning I pull the sheets over my head and roll on my stomach.

"Juliet! You need to get up! Hannah has been calling you! You have the career fair thing! She coming to get you in like 15-20 minutes!" Joel says. I groan and peek my head out the sheets.

"Do I have to?" I whine. Joel gives me a slight smile. He rips off the sheets and pulls me out the bed. I fall on the soft carpet and roll to my closet. Groaning I pull my self up.

"Hot,cold, warm, what's is it out?" I ask. Joel pulls out his phone.

"Ughhh it's suppose to be 40 ish out." Joel say. I make a face and groan. I can't wear sweats that's not very adult like. I grab a pair of black skinnys and what looked like was a amity affliction shirt. I pull them both on and cuff the bottom of my skinnys. I grab a jean jacket and pull it on. Finding my socks I put on my cheetah print creepers. Walking to bathroom I brush my teeth and do my normal makeup.

"JAY! HANNAH IS AT THE DOOR! HURRY UP" Kellin yells. I look at Joel who was dressed and holding my bedroom door opened.

"Hannah said I could go and keep you company." Joel says. He grabs my hand and we walk down stairs. Kellin holds out my bag and i grab it as we walk out the door. I saw that Connor was in the drivers seat. Joel and I jump in the back.

"Hey string bean. Hello dean" I yawn. I buckle my seat belt and rest my head on Joel's shoulder.

"Aw someone is tried! Someone had to be up before noon!" Hannah teases. I give her the finger. Joel chucks and pulls my hand down.

"Eat a bowl of dicks Dean." I grumble.

"The kids will love you! You have so much spirt in the morning Jay Jay!" Connor laughs. I kick the back of his seat.

"Go to hell string bean. Steve Rogers looking motherfucker" I say. Joel wraps his arm around me and kisses my head. My eyes drift close and I snuggle into Joel chest.

"Hey babe wake up. Baby wake up we are at the school. Jay darlin" Joel whispers in my ear. I stretch my arms and yawn.

"You both are just so adorable!" Hannah says. I roll my eyes and get out the car. I grab my bag and then grab Joel's hand. The four of us walk onto the campus and go to the cheek in thing. I sign in and wait for the two to sign in as well. We showed up early for what ever reason. I noticed some of the kids that were on campus just waiting were staring at me. I don't know why but they were.

"Jay Jay we are all in the same building! Right next to each other!" Hannah says with excitement. I roll my eyes at her and squeeze Joel's hand.

"Oh great!" I say sarcastically. Both her and Connor turn to look at me. I smile and wiggle my eyebrows.

"You know what!" She laugh.

"What are you going to do? Send string bean bean after me? He wouldn't even dare! He's still afraid of me" I laugh. Connor nods his head. We walk into A building.

"Well we'll see you stupid fuckers in awhile!" I say before I walk into the class room. I stop for a moment and saw my name on the door.

"JOEL! Look at this! It's my name! Take my picture!" I say like a 5 year old. Joel pulls out his phone and I point at my name. I see Joel smile and take my picture.

"You are so cute. Now let's go in" he laughs. I roll my eyes and hold the door open for him. He walks in and I follow behind him. The teacher looks up from his desk.

"Hi I'm Juliet Dixon. I'm the speaker for the career fair." I smile. The teacher gets up and hold out his hand.

"Hi I'm mr. Johnson the music teacher." He smiles warmly. He was a middle aged man with long hair that reminded me of Kellin or Joel from Amity in a way. His arms were decorated in colorful ink.

"And who may this be?" Mr. Johnson ask. I chuckle a little.

"This is my boyfriend, Joel. He came for support." I giggle. Joel smiles and shakes his hand.

"I would ask what you do but I guess I'll find out in a few minutes anyways. You both can take a seat with me behind the desk" he says. Joel and I take a seat and wait for the bell. Kids file in when the bell rings. I notice some band tees which made me smile.

"Alright class! We our speaker Juliet Dixon! Please give her a warm welcome." Mr. Johnson says. The kids clap their hands as I get up. Joel gives me a thumbs up. Some of the kids with the band tees gasp.

"Hello guys! I'm Juliet and I'm a guitar tech." I smile. The kids clap once more making me smile even more. A kid with a sleeping with sirens shirt raised his hand. I pointed at him.

"So what is a guitar tech?" He asks.

"I'm a crew member who maintains and sets up the musical equipment for one or more guitarists." I answers. He nods his head and has a slight smile on his face.

"What bands have you worked with?" A girl asks.

"I've worked with a number of bands. Sleeping with sirens is my main band I work with because I live my bestie Kellin Quinn. But I've worked with Of mice & men, Pierce the veil, A day to remember, the amity affliction, PVIRS, youth in revolt and my most recent band is my boyfriends band Alive like me. That's all I can think of at the second" I smile. The girl face held shock. Another person raise their hand. I point at him.

" what's your favorite tour you've done?" He asks.

"Umm this a hard one but warped tour is pretty awesome!" I laugh. All the kids looked very interested in what I was saying.

"You said you best friend with Kellin. Did you go on the world tour?" A kid asks. Well that was a hard hit to a chest. I take a deep breath.

"Yes he's my best friend... I didn't stay the full time. I left due to some drama with a band member. So if you do choose this type job just know not everyone is going to like you. But I've been thankful for the bands I've worked with. They all love me." I smile. I look at Joel who gave me a reassuring smile.

"Wait! Are you the chick Mike Fuentes posted a picture of killing it on the guitar!" A guy says with a lot of excitement.

"That would be me!" I giggle.

"If you love love music and you can play an instrument then you would love this job. Who know what type of friends you'll meet. The stories you'll hear about fans. Or even meet the person who you'll fall in love with" I say and look at Joel who is blushing. All the girls give an "AWWW".

"You said you are dating a guy in a band. Does he play guitar? Can you tell us how you met?" Someone asks. I laugh a bit.

"Actually he plays drums. I literally ran into him at warped tour. He's here with me today. Joel is sitting right there. If it wasn't for my cousins boyfriend True, I wouldn't have talked to him." I laugh. The class "AWWWWs" again.
Few hours later
Connor and Hannah take Joel and I home. I had my head rest on Joel shoulder. He rest his head on mine.

"Jay Jay we are at your house" Hannah says. I groan and Joel moves. Joel gets out the car and holds his hand out for me. I grab it and get out the car.

"Thank you string bean and jerk." I say.

"No problem Jay Jay" Connor says.

"Bye bitch" Hannah says as they drive off. Joel drugs us in side and takes us to my room. I take off my jacket and pants. I change into some grey sweats and roll them at the waist. Joel changes into his sweats.

"Are you down for cuddling and a nap?" Joel asks.

"Yell heah!" I say. Joel and I both flop on my bed. I pull up the blanket that was at the foot of my bed and pull it over Joel and I. Resting my head on Joel's chest. His arm wraps around my waist and holds me close. He draws random patterns on my back till I fall asleep.

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