Chapter 19

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Here's your update mooninmyhands ! Enjoy love!
3 months later.
"Aunty jay! Aunty jay!" I hear. I felt small children bouncing on my bed. Why must they do this. I just want to sleep in.

"Yes my darlings?" I ask. They flop down next to me.

"Can you take us to the mall? Dad said to ask you" Liam ask. I sigh heavily and reach for my phone to look at the time. 9:10. It was only 9:10. I throw my head on the pillow.

"Yeah I'll take you my darlings. Just let me eat breakfast and shower. Then I'll take you." I say. They kids take off out the door.

"THANK YOU AUNTY JAY!" I hear. I unplug my phone and open Twitter. I saw that true had sub tweeted me.

"I hate when you let people in and then they leave! #warpedtour2015" one read. I saw another one. This little shit.

"When your friend moves closer to her boyfriend #blocked" I read. This dumb shit. I went to look at his profile but I was blocked. This fucker.

"Hey Ricky tell True to suck my ass" I text my cousin. I roll out of bed and my feet hit the floor with a soft thud. I make my way down stairs. I'm guessing True was still a bit bitter about me moving back in with kellin and Kate. But hey it's closer to Joel and them. He have to get over it eventually or never.

"Good Morning Kelly boo boo bear. Thanks for sending your children in my room. I love to wake up at 9:10" I say sarcastically. Kellin grins at me and grabs my hand from across the table.

"It's good to have you back Jay" kellin say. I roll my eyes and grab a waffle. Kate sets a glass of justice in front of me. I dig into my food.

"Slow down speed racer! The kids can wait an hour!" Kellin laughs. I keep eating before I burp.

"excuse me. Now I must get ready for the children." I say. Kate takes my plate and I head up stairs. I look around my room. Boy was it messy. I don't even know how. I'm never up here. Sighing I open my closet. I pull out a pair of black leggings,a light grey Willam Belli shirt, and a dark blue cardigan. I set everything down and walk into my bathroom. I take off my pj and hop in the shower. I do my normal routine. I change into my cloths that I laid out. I find a pair of socks and pull on my combat boots.

"JULIET YOUR PHONE IS RINGING" I hear kellin yell. Rolling my eyes I brush
my hair.

"JUST ANSWER IT ILL BE DOWN IN A SECOND." I yell back. I flip my hair  put some Chapstick on. I make my way down stair and head into the kitchen.

"So your the fool my best friend is dating?"

"You seem like a great guy Joel!" I hear kellin laugh. Joel? He was talking to Joel. Fuck me. Out of all people! I lean up against the wall.

"Yeah she's taking my kids to the mall. She'll be back in a few hours. Let me yell for her again" kellin says. I could tell he had a smile on his face.

"JUILET ITS JOEL!" Kellin yells. I wait a second before appearing in the kitchen.

"No need to be so loud Jesus" I whine and rub my ear. He rolls his eyes at me and hands me my phone.

"Eat a whole bowl of fucks" kellin says. Did he just quote Willam belli? Bitch! Two can play at this game kellin.

"Your tone seems very pointed right now." I say before walking away. I flop on the couch. My leg was kicked up on the back part of the couch.

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