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Your POV

Looking at the boy that's hugging me, there's something that's bothering me.

Yesterday at our meeting, he was different. He was quieter throughout the meeting and always has a serious face.

His aura felt different than before. Like he's emitting a dangerous aura that's terrifying.

The others say that maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something.

My intuition says otherwise.

He was more clingy than usual that he even asked me to stay over at their house.

I declined but I promised to hang out with him today. Shin-nii-san told me that he also acted strange yesterday at their home.

He cried.

In front of him and Emma. It is rare for him to show others that he's crying. He also kept apologizing for no reason.

I'm getting worried since his goofy and playful self is replaced by something gloomy.

It's like he's not the Jiro I know but I can't just jump to conclusions. I'll have him tell me what's wrong.

"Jiro?" I asked and he hummed.

"Do you want to go on a date tomorrow? It's the shrine's festival after all." I asked softly.

"Yeah" he replied


It's now August 3 and I'm currently waiting for Jiro to come. I also invited Emma but she said she'll go with Ken.

I'm currently wearing a f/c yukata with (fav. Flower) patterns on it. My hair was fixed in a (hairstyle) that's adorned with a flower clip.

A few moments later, Jiro finally came. He wore casual black clothes and his hair looks messy.

"Jiro" I called with a wave and smile

He approached me and his face has a neutral expression.

"Do I look bad?" I asked

"Of course not. You look beautiful in every way." He said with a small smile

"Thanks. Now let's go, the taiyaki will be sold out." I said as I tug his shirt.

He held my hand and walked together. We bought 2 of the fish-shaped snack and walked again.

I saw a cute (fav. Animal) plushie at a shooting booth. He probably noticed me watching and dragged me near the booth.

I protested at first because the game is probably rigged but he didn't listen. Paying for around, he took the shooting gun and walked a few steps back.

The owner was confused because it will be harder to shoot if you are far. Taking a deep breath in, he aimed the toy gun and continuously shot the target 3 times.

His aim is terrifying, when did he learn that.

The booth owner gave me the prize and I thanked Jiro with a smile. He held my hand again and we started walking towards the candy apple vendor.

It was my favorite to eat at every festival. He bought one for us each and ate.

"Jiro, how about we sit down while we eat." I suggested and he agreed

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