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Takemichi's POV

"Y/n-chan!" I called. "Y/n-chan, wake up." I called again

This is bad.


This is the worst possible outcome. I couldn't protect Y/n-chan even if I promised to. I'm so useless, she protected us instead.

"Y/n-chan" I added while tapping her shoulder.

While trying to get a response from the girl I felt a dark murderous aura. It's suffocating, I felt this before. This terrifying feeling makes me want to throw up. I remember this.

I looked at Mikey-kun and his expression was emotionless. His eyes were dull and he was not moving. He was muttering something.

"Kill" he muttered over and over. I can also see that Peh-yan-kun is terrified.

We were too scared to move that nobody tried to.

Except for someone.

I saw Y/n's finger twitch for a moment. Slowly I reached for her hand and tried to find a pulse.

It was weak but it's still there. There's still hope, it's not over yet. So with all the courage, I could muster I called for Mikey-kun.

"M-mikey-kun" I called but he ignored me.

"Mikey-kun!" I called again but still nothing.

I inhaled and shouted. "MIKEY-KUN!" I called and he looked at me with a terrifying gaze while still muttering.

 "MIKEY-KUN!" I called and he looked at me with a terrifying gaze while still muttering

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I flinched but stood my ground, he has to calm down before he completely lose it.


He stopped muttering and slowly looked over Y/n-chan. Her breathing was shallow and uneven.

The dark feeling was slowly fading and he slowly calmed down. He slowly bend over and kissed Y/n-chan's forehead.

"Thank you...Takemicchi" he murmured.

He slowly picked Y/n-chan up in bridal style.

"We can't wait any longer, we have to go to the ambulance. Inform the others." He said and ran off.

We were left at the scene dazed but I quickly snapped out of it and face Peh-yan-kun.

"Peh-yan-kun, we have to go and inform Draken-kun and the others." I said.

"I- I can't face them after what I've done." He said in a guilty tone.

"That's not the time for that, we have to hurry. If you're really sorry then go apologize." I said


"Y/n-chan told you not to blame yourself so don't. Beating yourself down wouldn't do anything. We have to go." I said and pulled him up

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