𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕖

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Mikey's POV

"Tatsuya-san, thank you for telling me about Y/n, I promise to take care of her." I said as we both walk down the streets after eating.

"There's nothing to thank about, I'm just looking out for my daughter. I'm counting on you." He said and pat my head. 

"Hai!" I said with a determined smile.

We kept walking and talking for a while when I saw someone familiar from afar.

"Hmm, isn't that one of you and Y/n's friend?" Tatsuya-san asked.

"Yeah, it's Takemicchi and who's that guy? A kidnapper?" I said and was about to run and kick the guy but Tatsuya-san grabbed my collar to stop me.

"No, he's not a kidnapper. Don't judge too quickly, Manjiro. That one right there is a police officer." He said and we approached the two who were talking.

"Yo! Takemicchi, what a coincidence seeing you here." I said and smiled.

"E-eh? Mikey-kun and L/n-san?" He said.

"L/n?" The guys said and turned around. He's wearing a suit and glasses and is holding a suitcase. Is he really a police officer? He looks like a salaryman to me.

"Tachibana Masato, long time no see. You still look the same." Tatsuya-san said.


"Long time no see, L/n-san." The guy said and bowed in 90 degrees.

"Still stiff as ever, no need to bow that low. We used to work together, remember?" Tatsuya said

"That would be too disrespectful sir, even though we used to work together, you're still higher than me." He said

"That's all in the past, we're not in the same field anymore." Tatsuya-san said.

"Eh? Tatsuya-san you know him?" I asked while I look at both of them.

"Yeah, I didn't tell you before but I used to be a police too before I got married and I was his senior." He explained. 

"Eh?" I asked again out of shock. 

He was a policeman?!

"May I ask who that boy is?" Masato-san asked and looked at me.

"This is my son, Manjiro." He said before I could introduce myself. 

"L/n-san, I didn't know you have a son. I thought you had a daughter?" He asked again.

"I have a daughter and Manjiro is my future son-in-law" He said and I smiled.

"I see." He said and pushed his glasses up.

"Masato, it looks like we are ruining your conversation with this kid so we'll be going ahead." Tatsuya-san said. 

"Not at all." Masato-san replied and Tatsuya-san went near Takemicchi who was looking nervous.

Tatsuya-san suddenly bowed to him in 90 degrees which shocked Takemicchi and Masato-san. I just stood there and watched the whole scene.

"I know it might be late but I'd like to thank you for what you did for my daughter last August. As her father, I am eternally grateful for saving her." Tatsuya-san said.

"H-huh? U-uhm, there's no need to thank me L/n-san, please raise your head. Y/n-chan is my friend and what I did is the normal thing to do. Besides I didn't do much." Takemicchi said and waved his arms around.

Tatsuya-san raised his head and only chuckled at his reaction.

"You really are too humble, just like she said but if someone said thanks to you, you should say that your welcome because people give thanks to people who deserve it." Tatsuya-san said and pat his head.

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