𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒 𝕀𝕀𝕀.𝕚𝕚

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Your's POV

"First up, for our solo competition. Hanagaki Takemichi!" Hina announced

Takemicchi entered while covering his face with his cape. There are also some smoke effects and the lights were dim.

"I am DracuMichi, blah be-blah!!" He said




The people shouted, many guys from the 3rd division also cheered loudly. His friends from the Mizo middle also came and cheered.

With a final pose, Takemicchi turned around and left the stage.

"Up next, Yasuhiro Muto-san" Emma announced and some people from the 5th division entered with a coffin on their shoulders. They were wearing an Egyptian style outfit

*insert coffin dance music*

When they reached the center of the stage, they put the coffin down and opened it.

Mucho sat up straight while being covered in white strips.

"Who dared disturb my slumber, it is I the dead Pharoah, Mucho to Mummy" he said

"Captain! Captain! Captain!" The other 5th division members shouted.

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" He shouted and laId back to the coffin which they closed again. The audience went silent before cheering loudly again.

They carried the coffin and exited with a dance.

"For our third contestant, L/n Akio-san" Hina said and Aki entered.

She stood in the back corner, she was wearing a long and plain white dress. Everyone was silent and the lights flickered, the next thing we knew she was gone from her spot.

It was like she teleported from one place to another. When the lights flickered, she slowly came near us until she was in the middle. Some of the audience got scared that some screamed like a girl. She crawled slowly in a creepy way.

"I live in a well, I come out of the TV. I am SadAki (Sadako)" she said and the crowd cheered loudly.

"Akio-san! Akio-san! Akio-san!" The crowd cheered

"Aki-channnn!!! So coooooollll!!" I hear Shin-nii shout.

What a simp- oh, says me who also simps for Jiro. My bad.

The lights went off again and when it opened, Aki was gone. The crowd cheered again.

"Our next contestant, Hayashi Ryohei"  Emma said Peh-yan entered the stage with a moonwalk.

He was wearing a suit, gloves, fedora hat, shades, and a curly wig. He was holding to his hat while doing some moves. He came to the center of the stage and took his shades off.

"On this day, I am not Peh-yan. Call me Ryo-hee-hee." He said and stoke a pose. The crowd cheered again.

"Vice-captain!" The 3rd division exclaimed

"Ryo-hee-hee" they chanted continuously as Peh-yan did his moves.

He bowed to the judges and audience, copying Michael Jackson's gravity-defying lean. Everyone was impressed but I could see the invisible rope that was holding him. After that, he exits the stage with another moonwalk.

"And last but not the least, our anonymous contestant" Hina announced and a small person with a long white cloth over their figure and a shade, came. They did a cute pose here and there and went to the middle.

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