𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Mikey's POV (2016)

I'm just staring out our building window waiting for Sanzu to do what I asked him to.

Being inside a tall and expensive building doesn't really mean much to me.

*Knock knock*

Someone knocked and I just stayed silent. The person entered quietly.

They know that if I won't respond, it means they can come in. If I throw something at the door, it means not to enter.

I've been doing that since I can remember, talking too much irritates me. I hate repeating myself over and over too.

"Boss, I have done what you've asked me. I captured Suzuki Kaede, and is currently in the basement." Sanzu said.

I didn't say anything and went to the elevator. Sanzu was following me from behind quietly. He pressed the button for the basement and we waited.

When we arrived, he led me to the room where he kept her locked and tied up. She looked scared when she saw him. Her mouth was tied up and muffled cries were heard.

She also saw me and looked relieved. I had my expressionless face as always. Sanzu took off the tie in her mouth.

"M-Mikey, h-help m-me. T-this guy k-kidnaped me o-out of n-nowhere." She pleaded and I just stared at her.

"M-mikey, p-please-" she was cut off when Sanzu slapped her face.

"Shut your mouth, b*tch!" He said as he gripped her hair which made her cry in pain.

"W-what the h-hell!? W-why are you doing this?! I'm your boss' friend!" she exclaimed to Sanzu.

In annoyance, I clicked my tongue and Sanzu took it as a signal and slapped her harder. Her face was red and her lip was bleeding.

"I said shut your mouth, Mikey will talk." He said and let go of her hair. He went back to my side and stood in silence.

I took out a small audio recorder and held it up to her sight.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked

"A-an audio recorder?" she nervously said

"Right, and I suppose you know what this is used for." I said and she just stayed silent.

"I asked someone to hide this in your apartment." I added and her eye went wide.

"W-what are you-"

"2006" I said to cut her off, she was sweating bullets at this point but she was trying to hide it.

"The shrine maiden of Musashi shrine in Shibuya wa shot to death. She was killed by a group led by someone named Terrano South. Did you know that she died at 16?"

"W-why are you telling me this?" She asked

I played the audio and the three of us listened. She was on a call with someone else.


"One-san, you said that if she was gone he'll be easier to get. He wouldn't even look at me, it's been many years and he still ignores me."


"No matter what I do, he just treats me like I'm air."


"Even if he doesn't talk too much out her, I know that he hasn't moved on."


"I mean, for god's sake, that b*tch is already dead and is probably decayed by now."


"One-san, you should've let me kill her instead of ordering someone else. It would've been better."


After the recording ended, Sanzu almost attacked her but I stopped him.

"You were behind her death?!" he angrily exclaimed. My arm was blocking his way to stop him.

"Sanzu, shut up for a moment." I said and he followed with a bitter expression.

"W-wait M-mikey, it wasn't me. I'm being framed!" She explained nervously and I stayed silent.

"P-please believe me, I wasn't involved. I did not plan to kill Y/n!!" She explained and the room went silent.

"I didn't even mention her name, how do you know it's her?" I coldly asked and her eyes widened when she realized that she slipped up.

"W-wait! It wasn't my idea to get her killed. It was someone else!" She said and I looked at her with narrow eyes.

"R-right it was Rika-san!"

"Now, you're blaming it on someone else. Wow, good fvcking job." Sanzu said in a sarcastic manner. I looked at him and he shut his mouth by imaginary zipping it.

"It's true, it was Kawasaki Rika. She planned everything, she just ordered me." She said and I raised a brow.

"And why is a leader of a Yakuza involved with anything." I asked

"II don't know, she doesn't tell me everything. Please believe me, Mikey, I was being used!" She said with tears and I just looked at her.

"I see" I said and turned around and walked a few steps away.

"Y-you believe me?" she asked

"Yes, I believe you." I replied


"There's nothing I can do since you were 'used'." I said


"But" I said and I face her again. "I can't just forgive you that easy, I hold deep grudges." I said with a dangerous tone.


"I will keep my promise of not hitting a woman" I said

"M-mikey" she said

"I'll let someone else do it." I said and walked towards Sanzu and held his back.


"Someone who was also close to the person you planned to kill." I said

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, boss." Sanzu said and bowed. I walked towards the door and was about to get out.

"Make sure you leave no evidence when you're done." I said

"Yes, sir." He said and I left. She was calling out to me and begging for help but I just continued to walk towards the elevator.

Before the elevator doors closed, her scream echoed throughout the empty basement.

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~ o ~ o ~ o ~

A/n: I'll leave what Sanzu did to Kaede in this future to your imagination ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

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