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Your POV

"Are you guys hungry? I think my dad brought some fruits yesterday." I said

"No we're alright, it should be you that' eating those. You're the patient after all." Hina-chan said

"That's right. You need to eat more to recover quickly." Emma-chan added

"I could just buy more" I said

"That's not the point!" Emma exclaimed. Jeez, I'm older than them but they're scolding me.

"Alright" I said

"How are you feeling?" Hina asked.

"Do you still feel pain?" Emma asked.

Oh my. These angels. Must protect.

I thought and covered my mouth and clenched my chest.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked

"Are you hurt?" Hina added

"N-no, I'm just touched. You guys are so precious." I said and Hina blushed while Emma had a smug look

"Anyways, I'm alright now. They said I can leave the hospital after 3 days." I said

"That's good to hear." Hina said softly

"We were so worried you know" Emma said

"I know, I'm sorry I worried you." I said and pat their head.

"By the way, Shin-nii said he'll visit later. Draken-kun and the others will come tomorrow." Emma said

"I see. How's everyone in Toman by the way?" I asked

"They are doing well, while Mikey is looking after you, Draken was in charge." Emma said

"I see that's good." I said with a smile.

"You should think of yourself first. They should be the ones worrying about you." Emma said and I just chuckled

"Wanna go shopping when you get out of here?" Emma asked

"Hell yeah. You should come to Hina-chan." I said

"Of course" she said with a smile.

After a few chats here and there, Jiro and Takemicchi walked in.

"Welcome back!" I said and smiled

"Where did you guys go?" Emma asked

"We just talked about something." Jiro replied

"Can I talk with Takemicchi alone?" I asked and they nodded. They went outside and left us.

"Is there something wrong Y/n-chan?" he asked

"Of course not. I just want to thank you." I said and bowed my head.

"Y-y/n-chan why are thanking me? There's no need to bow." He said

"Thank you for saving my life." I said


"Jiro told me that if you didn't notice that I was still alive then I would've died." I said

"T-that's not something to thank me about." He said

"Then thank you for defending Peh-yan from the others. Because of you, they didn't fight with each other." I said

"That's nothing." He said shyly

"I know, after all the things you've done. These are just simple things." I said


"Jiro told me about you, your ability, and the things you did in the other timeline." I said


"I may not be too much involved in that timeline but from what Jiro told me, you're very cool." I said with a smile and he blushed

"Is that so?" He said shyly

"You must've been through a lot too." I said

"Yeah it was hard" he replied

"I see, I have a question but you have to answer me honestly" I said

"yeah" he replied

"Are you okay?" I asked in a soft tone

"Am I...okay?" He said and tears were falling down from his face.

"I- I-" he stuttered

"Before you say anything. I just wanted you to know that I'm thankful to you. Thank you for helping everyone. Thank you for protecting them. Thank you for supporting them. And most of all thank you for not abandoning Jiro even after all the things he did." I said and he kept crying.

He's really underappreciated.

"Thank you, because of you, we get to have a second chance." I said and pat his head, he kept crying.


Takemichi's POV

I can't stop crying, my chest feels heavy but warm.

I feel appreciated. I didn't know that someone being so thankful would affect me so much.

Do I really deserve this gratitude?

This is just like how I felt when I told Chifuyu about being a time leaper but this feels heavier.

"Now let me ask you again, are you okay?" she asked

"n-no" I replied and she pats my head

"That's alright. From now on, you don't have to carry the burden of saving everyone. I and Jiro are here too so we'll help each other. I'll make sure that we all have our happy future." She said

After a while, I started to calm down and we stayed silent. It was comfortable.

"Takemicchi, In this second chance you should also consider yourself." She said


"Just remember that" she just said

"I think I have kept you here for a long time. Hina-chan is waiting." She added

I stood up and bowed.

"I'll be leaving now, please get well soon, and thank you for today as well." I said

"Yeah, see you later" she said and waved. I went out of the room and I saw Hina, Emma, and Mikey waiting.

"Takemichi-kun? Are you okay?" Hina asked

"Yeah" I said

"What happened? Did she just make you cry?" Emma said

"Nothing happened, we just talked. How about we go?" I said

"You guys go ahead, I'll stay here until her father comes" Mikey-kun said

"Then, we'll be going ahead." Emma said and we waved goodbye to him.

After walking Emma home, I and Hina were on our way to their home.

"So, what did you talk about?" Hina asked

"Well, she thanked me." I said

"Then why did you cry?" He asked

"It's just, the way she said it hits different. After talking and listening to her, I feel relieved or something." I explained

"I understand, Y/n-chan can be childish and easy-going but she can act like a big sister or mother sometimes. That's what Emma-chan said" Hina replied

It's kind of embarrassing but she's more mature than me, a 26-year-old man in my younger body.

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~ o ~ o ~ o ~

A/n: Just a Takemichi appreciation chapter. He's been through a lot and needs more love. Lately, he's been having a rough time.

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