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Your POV

This is tiring. Even if I have a great amount of stamina, fighting many people at once for a long time can wear me out. The guy named "Jun", he's not even fighting yet. If I don't beat him right away, my body won't last long. Takemicchi and the others would be in danger.

The weather is not helping either. I have already taken down half of the people. Peh-yan should be waking up soon, I still need to protect him longer.

"What's this? You guys are being beaten by a single person? Not to mention, a girl? Do you guys want to die if the boss found out that you're this useless?" Jun said to his companions

They looked scared about what he said. Who's their boss? I thought it was him. They started to get motivated and some who were previously unconscious were standing up. This is really bad.

"Peh are you planning on sleeping the entire time? Wake up and help me so I could punch you after?!" I thought.

I continued to fight them and made some unconscious. I've been fighting for 30 minutes straight now. I looked over to Takemicchi and the others' and I saw him protecting the girls.

Isn't that the idiot that ran an "underground" fighting club in public and in broad daylight? The guys who couldn't even bow down properly. What's his name again?








For fuck's sake, I don't have time for this shit.

"TAKEMICCHI!" I shouted and their attention was on me. I was still fighting some guys.

"CAN YOU HOLD OUT FOR A MOMENT? I'LL BE THERE AFTER I'M DONE HERE. TAKE CARE OF KI-, WHOEVER THAT SHIT IS!" I yelled. I'm getting tired so my mouth can't afford to have a filter.

"YEAH" he replied back

My attention was back on the fight, there were at least 15 people left excluding Jun. I still need to hold out but Takemicchi needs help too. I have no choice.

Using my foot, I nudged Peh to wake him up. I should've done this a while ago. He slowly regained consciousness.

"Y/n-chan" he said and sat up.

"About time you wake up sleeping beauty. Do you mind helping me get rid of these flies? They're kind of annoying." I said and he looked around. I guess he understood the assignment and just started to take some guys down.

While we were fighting, I heard Takemicchi's scream so I looked over them. He had a knife stabbed in his palm.

"Takemicchi!" I exclaimed and tried to go to them but these annoying side characters keep getting in my way.

"Y/n-chan, I'm okay, please don't worry about us. I'll protect them until you're done" he said determinedly

I was about to protest but he reassured me again so I just trusted him and continued to fight. I have to hurry or they would be in danger. Peh continued to fight together with me and we took them out one by one.

When the last goon was down I looked over Takemicchi and he also took down that guy. I was proud but the guy he took out still has his companions. I would go but Jun is still here.

"Peh, go help Takemicchi and the others, tell the girls to call an ambulance and escape." I ordered and he just followed

Jun looked at me with an amused smirk. He looks disgusting. The only one who can smirk at me like that is Jiro. Looking at me like that makes me want to chop his head off.

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