𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠

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Takemichi's POV

Everyone is fighting one another and it's very chaotic. Some tried to gang up on me bt luckily Peh-yah got my back.

Hmm? I feel like I'm missing someone.

"Peh-yan-kun, did you see Chifuyu?" I asked while trying to dodge someone.

"I think I saw him with Baji." He said while punching a guy in the face. I thanked him and tried to look around for him.

I've been having a bad feeling about something today.

"Chifuyu-kun" I called through the crowd. While I was calling, I didn't even notice someone behind me. But before he could reach me, someone kicked him away.

"Mitsuya-kun" I said

"You moron! What are you even here for? We're in the middle of a fight! You're also a division captain right!?" He asked while holding my collar

A guy was rushing to us but he punched him right away.

"Don't let your guard down!" he said

He's right, I can't do anything if I go down here. I have to face the enemy in front of me first.

Two Valhalla members suddenly came in front of me.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! An enemy in front of me?! A low-level punk like me fighting real delinquents?! Not to mention I'm mentally old for this.

It's still scary no matter how many times I travel back in time!

"You scared? Just focus on the guy in front of you, partner." Someone said


"I'll watch your back!" he declared


"Everyone gets scared during a fight. But what's important is how you handle it!" He said and I clenched my fist.

He told me those words again. He's right, why did I forget that? I decided to help so there's no point in getting scared.

A guy was running to me and with a battle cry, I punched him in the face.

"Let's do this, you jackass!!!" I shouted

We continued to fight who was coming to us. I was hit here and there and it hurts so much. Although I feel like I'm getting used to being punched. Is that supposed to be a good thing or what?

From afar, Toman members are beating many Valhalla members, especially the other captains and vice-captains of other divisions. Toman got stronger than in the other timeline.

What did Mikey-kun do to achieve this? It's like he's raising an army. Is he planning on dominating Tokyo or Japan itself? Wait I have to focus on fighting!

Your POV

I was on my way to Jiro's side when I saw a Toman member getting beat up and was surrendering.

I sneaked behind his opponent which caught him off guard. With my hand, I chopped his nape which made him unconscious.

"Are you okay?" I asked the guy and held out a hand to help him up.

"T-thank you so much for helping me." He bowed

"No problem, all Toman members are under my protection. Don't sweat it."I said

"H-hai!" he said

"Anyway, I think you could easily take him down though. Are you tired already?" I said


"Should I double the difficulty for hell week?" I thought out loud and he flinched. Some guys that are also from Toman flinched when they heard me.

"N-no, I was just d-distracted. I can't fight more. Thanks for helping me ma'am I'll go and continue to fight!" He said and rushed off to an enemy.

The others also shouted and looked motivated to fight more.

"Hhmm?" I reacted and shrugged it off and went to Jiro's side.


Mikey's POV

I'm standing near the pile of broken cars with Y/n. Our side seems to be winning, it's all thanks to her we got this strong. Numbers are not really our concern if they are all weaker than most of us.

"Die, you bastard! Mikey!" The guy named Jun shouted while running towards me with his fist.

Ken-chin came and blocked his punch easily. I just stood there with my neutral face.

"You're 100 years too early to even lay your hand on Mikey!" Ken-chin said

"Draken!" Jun said with an irk mark on his face but still grinning widely.

Hanma came and kicked Ken-chin, which pushed him back a little. He laughed and grinned.

"Your opponent is me, Draken!" Hanma said

"Bring it on, Hanma!" Ken-chin said

"I'm leaving Mikey to you, Jun."

"Yeah, leave it to me aniki!" Jun replied

Some snickered and we just stood there face to face.

"Entertain me, Vice-president!" Hanma said to Ken-chin.

"How wonderful. Looks like I can finally go serious after a long time. I hope your arm is already healed so I can go all out." Ken-chin said

"Mikey! I've been waiting for this day for a long time!" Jun said to me and Y/n stepped forward. She pointed her weapon at Jun.

"You have to go through me first before you touch him. I'll also make you regret stabbing me with a knife." She said calmly.

"Oh, come on sweetheart, you weren't my target back then. It's your fault for getting in the way." Jun said

This asshole, calling my Y/n in names in a disgusting way makes my blood boil. I'll kill you for sure.

Before I could make a move, Y/n swiftly but strongly hit his face, specifically his mouth.

"How dare you address me as such. The only one who can call me that is Jiro. Call me like that one more time and I'll make sure you'll never be able to talk again." She threatened in a cold tone.

That's my girl.

Jun was standing up while holding his bloodied mouth. Y/n was about to attack again when her sword was blocked by Suzuki.

"I'll be your opponent, L/n Y/n." She said to Y/n

"It's about time you show up. What took you so long?" Jun asked Suzuki.

"It was hard to fight many people you know. Not to mention they're all strong and stubborn." She said

"Then, I'll the second commander to you. I'll take Mikey on." Jun said and started to walk towards me.

"I'll make you pay for hurting my Y/n, Jun" I said in a low tone. He looked at me and grinned widely while I glared at him.

"Hoh? She'll be mine when after I kill you." He said smugly and I glared even harder with a murderous aura.

I will kill you first.

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