𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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Your POV

"Oh, is that you, Seishu-kun? How have been?" Shin-nii asked Sei with a smile and wave while walking towards him.

"I-I'm doing fine." Sei replied, trying to avoid eye contact.

"I see, it's been a long time since I saw you. How about you drop by sometime in the shop again?" He said

"H-hai." The other replied awkwardly with a bit of guilt in his expression. Shin-nii then turned to Hajime-kun.

"Is he your friend that kept following you around? Koko was it?" He asked, Hajime only nodded in response.

"I see, good to see you both again. Looks like you guys are running the gang now. Are you the leader or your friend?" Shin asked Sei.

"No, it isn't any of us. Shiba Taiju is the 10th generation Black dragons' captain." Sei replied.

"Who?" Asked Shin while looking among the crowd. "Where is he?" He asked and I think I heard Aki sigh beside me.

"He's here, Shin." Takeomi-san said. Shin-nii looked behind, we all pointed at the unconscious Taiju on the ground.

"This guy? I thought he's just a random drunkard or something." He said which some almost laughed out loud.

"He's just a teenager, Shin" Wakasa-san boredly said.

"Are you kidding me?! He's a teenager? With that look and body, I thought he was at least about our age. You know, like Benkei." He said

They kept arguing about whether Taiju is really a teenager for a while and it's getting colder. I approached Hajime and Sei with my neutral face. I'm still hurt that our friendship was only an acquaintance for them.

I gave them one meat bun each and they looked at me with a confused look.

"What?! You both only get one each because I'm mad at the two of you. Don't complain." I said

"Then why would you give us one if you're mad?" Sei asked

"It's because I both still see you as friends even if you both don't anymore." I replied and turned around, they didn't reply or made any noise. I stopped in my tracks and sighed loudly as I can to get some attention.

"Y/n-chan?" Takemicchi called

"Sei, Hajime." I called and everyone was silent, not even a murmur can be heard.

"What is it?" Koko asked

"Why don't you both come to Toman instead? It's better there than here." I suggested and now people started to murmur.

"What? Is she serious?" some whispered

Yes, I am.

"She's trying to recruit Inupi and Koko in front of the whole gang?" I heard them say.


"We can't, we are only under Taiju. No one else." Sei said and the area became silent again.

"I see, then if he died, you can come to Toman?" I asked

"What are you trying to say, Y/n?" Hajime asked with seriousness.

"I meant to say that if he dies, you guys would come to Toman because you would no longer be under him, right?" I asked

"Technically you're right, are you thinking of killing him just to recruit us?" Hajime said and I walked towards Aki and the others.

"I could but I won't because he'll die because of you guys." I said while pointing at the gang.

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