𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖

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Takemichi's POV

Still following Kaede-chan who was silent the whole time, it is making me more nervous.

"U-uhm Kaede-chan?" I asked


"If you don't mind me asking, why did you join a gang? I mean even if you're strong, it's still dangerous." I asked and she stopped walking. I almost bumped into her but I didn't.

"Kaede-chan?" I said

"It's not like I wanted to do this for fun. I just want to save someone." She said


"You don't need to know the minor details, I mean we're not that close right?" she said and I scratched my cheek out of embarrassment.

"Y-yeah, you're right. Sorry for asking." I said

We walked again in silence until she talked

"Do you love someone Takemichi-kun?" She asked


"Do you love someone that you'd do anything to keep them safe?" She asked again

"Y-yeah, I love someone that much." I said and Hina came to my mind which made me blush.

"Are you willing to kill for that person?" She murmured but I didn't hear.

"What's that?"

"Nothing! Come on, our hideout is just right there." She said with a smile and pointed at an abandoned arcade.

This is where Kazutora-kun took me in the past. It's still the same but different people.

I can hear cheering and screaming from the inside. Kaede-chan led me inside and I saw someone fighting.

"I think that's enough, Jun." Kaede said to Jun. Isn't it the guy that stabbed Y/n-chan.

I clenched my fist as the crowd went silent. I looked at the guy that Jun was punching and my eyes widened.

A familiar Toman uniform, blond hair, bloodied face and stature like mine.

"Ch-chifuyu-kun?" I said in disbelief. Why is he here? Is Baji-kun also here.

"Shut up Kae, you're not even the boss here." Jun said

"Hanma-san you said you won't let anyone hurt him that badly. We made a deal." Kaede-chan said with a serious tone.

Does she know Chifuyu?

"That's enough Jun, it seems that you've gone too far." Hanma said with a smirk.

"He's not even half-dead. I thought Toman members are stronger than this." Jun said and left Chifuyu on the ground.

I run up to him and luckily he's still breathing. His face is badly injured, it's worse than what Baji-kun did.

"Chifuyu-kun." I said as I hold him. He's unconscious. I clenched my fist and looked at the guy who beat him.

"WHY DID YOU DO THIS, YOU BASTARD!" I shouted out of anger.

"Hoh? You should ask him why he came here in the first place." Hamna said

"What? You want to fight next?" Jun said

I can't afford to strike first. I'll die in vain, 1 vs 300 is not possible for me. I have to stay calm or Chifuyu will be in danger too.

"You're wasting time, I already brought him here so say what you wanted to say." Kaede said to Hanma

"Don't be in such a rush, Kae. There's plenty of time." Hanma said and Kaede clicked her tongue.

"Hanagaki Takemichi." Hanma called and I stayed silent.

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