Chapter 2 ✔️

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"Are you deaf or something!" The boy yelled, but I could barely hear him, as I stared at the red Hogwarts express, or the families saying goodbye to there kids, or the people's clothes, and hair. 

"I-where am I?" I asked, the boy raised his eyebrow at me, shaking his head. He looked at me like I was the dumbest person he's ever met. 

"Platform 9 3/4, to Hogwarts? Where is your luggage?" 

"That can't be right! Someone pinch me." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Okay," The boy grinned, and pinched my arm. I felt a sharp pain go up to my arm, as he smirked smugly.

"Ow! You little prick." I yelled, grabbing him by the collar. He was taller than me, he was hunched over awkwardly as I squeezed his collar tighter. He was cute, I wasn't going to lie, his eyes were a gray-ish blue, he had white-blond hair, he was pale, with defined cheek bones, a straight nose, and full lips. 

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, I was not going to forgive his rude attitude just because he has a pretty face. He tried to pry my fingers off of his collar, but I was too strong. I ignored the spark that I felt as his fingers graze mine. 

"Draco Malfoy! Who the hell are you?"

"Charlotte Potter, you can't be Draco Malfoy. Where am I? Is this a cos play or something?" 

"A Potter? There's more of you?" He shouted; I shook my head.

"What do you mean more of me! There's only ever been me!"

"Someone get this mental girl away from me!" Draco yelled, I rose my eyebrows at him, ready to rip this guy's head off.

"Mental! You think I'm mental!" Charlotte shouted, I swung my fist in front of his face, the urge I had to punch him was growing larger and larger. 

"You're about to punch me!"

"For good reason!"

"You're saying strange things!" Draco yelled,

"You want me to punch you! You want me too?"

"What is going on here?" A man asked, he was tall tan man, with black hair, and brown eyes, glasses rested on the bridge of his nose.

"This girl is mental, and she won't let go of me!" Draco whined.

"I'm not mental, you prat!" He grabbed the two of us by the shoulders and tried to pull us apart, but my grip was too tight, thanks to the years of defending myself of foster bullies helped. 

"Let go of him." He ordered; my eyes glued to Malfoy.

"Fine, but if he calls me mental one more time-"


"You little- "

"Okay, okay. Can one of you explain what's going on?" He finally managed to pull us apart, I glared at Draco, his collar was now all wrinkled, his hair fell across his face. His eyes were burning with rage as he stared between the man and me.

"What are you a professor? Why do I have to explain anything to you?" Draco asked, 

"No, but I'm the head of the auror department so you better start explaining." 

"Fine, this girl ran through the wall without luggage and told me to pinch her, so I did. And said some strange things!" 

"What did you say?" 

"Hey what time is it?" I interrupted, dragging my eyes away from Draco, and back onto the Hogwarts express. That pull that brought me hear was telling me to get on that train, now. 

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