Chapter 82

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"Charlotte! Charlotte!" Draco yelled, as he grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to shake her awake. Harry looked over at Charlotte, seeing her motionless.

"Take her inside!" Harry yelled. As Bill opened the door to the cottage door, Ron rushed past him and bring Hermione inside. Draco picked Charlotte up before hearing Harry started screaming about the elf.

"What's going on?" Luna asked as she sat near Fleur, who was handing her a cup of water.

"Charlotte's bleeding."

"You are the death eater!" Fleur shouted, pointing a finger at Draco, before noticing Charlotte in his arms.

"What has happened? She has been missing since my wedding day!" She asked, rushing to Charlotte.

"Bellatrix," Draco said, as he laid Charlotte on the couch, forcing Dean to get up. Fleur took out her wand, lifting Charlotte's shirt up, exposing the cut. Fleur muttered a spell under her breath as she ran her wand along the wound.

"Malfoy, you turning red," Luna said, noticing Draco's expression, his hands in his hair, gripping the ends so tight his knuckles were turning white.

"She vill be fine, she 'ust needs to 'est." Fleur said as she ran her wand another time on the wound.

"What if she died from all the blood?" Draco asked, no one in particular.

"She didn't die, she's lost blood," Dean said.

"What if it's too much blood?" Draco shouted as Fleur finished the wound.

"Then she'll die," Luna said, knowing it won't happen. Draco clapped a hand against his mouth, staring at Charlotte.

"That's not going to happen though," Luna said.

"I'm going to be sick," Draco said.

"Don't be sick. You must take her upstairs. I have closed her wound, put her in the second room with 'Ermione." Fleur said as she stood up. Draco scooped Charlotte up and took her upstairs, seeing the door was halfway open.

Weasley sat on a chair near the bed as Granger slept on it. Draco set Charlotte next to Hermione, covering her with the blanket.


"Where's my sister?" Harry yelled, storming into the room with his hands covered in blood and dirt, after burying Dobby, who had been injured during the apparition.

"She's- "Draco said from the couch, but Harry had already grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the wall. Draco stood on his tippy toes, his head slamming against the wall.

"She loves you! How could you let her get taken!" Harry shouted as Draco tried to free himself but with no luck.

"I didn't know! I didn't know they were taking her!" Draco shouted, Harry gripped the shirt harder.

"Harry, let him go- "Bill said, but he was ignored by both of them.

"So you let her stay!"

"I tried to get her out!" Draco said, remembering all his attempts.

"I don't believe you!"

"Let me go! You know nothing! You weren't there! All these months, I tried!"

"She knows everything! That's why you-know-who wanted her!"

"And you weren't there watching her get tortured every fucking day. I thought she was going to go insane, but she didn't!" Draco shouted.

"Harry, enough! It's not his fault! It's you know whose! Malfoy didn't know. No one knows what you know who is doing!" Bill yelled, grabbing Harry by the shoulders and pulling Harry away. Draco fell back to his feet, using the wall to steady himself.

"I blame myself just as much as you blame me, Potter," Draco said.


Charlotte opened her eyes, looking around the small white room with very bright blue curtains. She didn't know how long she had been out, or if she had actually dreamed that someone had actually come and finally saved her.

"Charlotte," She heard Harry say from the side of Charlotte's bed.

"Harry, it wasn't a dream." She said, sitting up.

"What dream?"

"Nothing. Where is everyone? What time is it?" Charlotte asked as Harry handed her a cup of water. She sipped the water, savoring the feel of cold water.

"It's ten after five. You've been sleeping for four hours. Everyone else is either sleeping or sitting in the living room." Harry said,

"And Draco? You haven't kicked him out, have you?"

"No, Fleur tried too. We didn't let her. I tried to kill him. They didn't let me," Harry said. Charlotte chuckled.

"Mum and Dad are on their way. Well, I think they are. Sending letters is a lot harder now, but I'm hoping they will be here by morning." Harry explained. Charlotte nodded.

"Why didn't Malfoy try to find a way out for you? He knows his house better than the back of his hand?" Harry asked, trying not to sound too angry as he took the glass from Charlotte.

"He tried multiple times. His father always caught him, or he was locked in his room." Charlotte explained.

"Where is he now?" Charlotte asked.

"Sleeping on the couch. I think Bill was talking about drawing a mustache on him." Harry said, smiling. He never realized how much he missed his sister until he was in this room talking with her.

"Your all-," She said as the door opened, and seeing Draco with a cup of tea in his hands, he had changed into Bill's clothes.

"Oh, I didn't know you were in here, Potter, but Weasley was looking for you." He said, as he handed Charlotte the cup of tea, and sat down next to her on the bed, his back against the headboard.

"I'll be back Charlotte," Harry said, standing up, and leaving the door open as he left.

"You look well rested," Charlotte commented, as she sipped on her tea.

"I'm well rested knowing you're here and not trapped in the cellar," Draco said, and it was true, the last couple of months Draco felt like he could barely breathe, or eat, or sleep, knowing Charlotte was there, but now even looking at her sitting comfortably in a bed with her family, even with the war going on. He felt happy, and no one, even James Potter who was on his way, could ruin it.

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