Chapter 61 (Year 6)

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Charlotte and Parvati entered Slughorn's office. It looked bigger than it did when Charlotte would come in for their dinners. Many popular people were walking around, that Slughorn had boasted about during their last dinner. Charlotte wore a beautiful green dress, a spaghetti strap that had a low V-neck, and a small slit in the side.

"Charlotte! Charlotte! Come in! Come in! I have so many people that would love to meet you and your brother. And who have you brought with you?" Slughorn said as soon as they entered. He looped his arm through Charlotte's, and pulled her through the crowd, with Parvati following them.

"My friend Parvati, I hope that's alright?"

"Of course it is!"

"Your brother still isn't here. I was hoping he'd be a little earlier."

"He's probably still picking up his date," Charlotte told Slughorn, annoyed.

"Charlotte, I'd like you to meet Eldred Worple, an old student of mine, author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires — and, of course, his friend Sanguini." Worple grinned at Charlotte, shaking her hand enthusiastically.

"Charlotte Potter! I am simply delighted to meet you! I was just talking to Professor Slughorn about you and your brother. I was saying, why there are so many unanswered questions about Charlotte Potter? Where was she during the first 13 years of her life? How had no one heard about her until she appeared? Why did you start Hogwart's so late? I would love to write an autobiography about you and your brother!"

"Oh, that's interesting-"

"I'm glad you think of it that way-"

"Harry, I'd like you to meet Eldred Worple, an old student of mine, author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires — and, of course, his friend Sanguini." Slughorn said, saying the same introductions that he had given Charlotte.

"Harry Potter! I'm so happy to have met you tonight! I was just telling your sister about an autobiography I wanted to write about her and you! Here's what I was telling Slughorn- "Charlotte grabbed Parvati's hand and used Harry's entrance as her own escape.

They walked around the party, grabbing drinks, and some food as they talked with some friends.

"Look, there's the vampire," Parvati said, pointing to the vampire, who was slowly trying to get closer to a group of girls.

"Creepy," Charlotte said, as she felt someone grab her arm. She turned around to see Hermione looking out of breath, and annoyed.

"Hermione, you scared me! I thought it was the vampire." Charlotte said, Hermione shook her head.

"I spotted McLaggen pushing his way towards Harry, so I ran. He's so gross." Parvati said nothing as she made eye contact with Charlotte, sipping her drink, clearly very interested to know why Hermione was not her giggly self from dinner.

"Well, you did ask a pig."

"Oh, don't remind me, oh he's coming." Hermione signed as she ran off.

"She spoke for two seconds. Is she going to do that all night?" Parvati asked,

"Just to stay away from him, yes." Charlotte giggled.

"Anyway, are you going to do the book? I'd read it." Parvati asked,

"Absolutely not."

"You know, I've never asked you, but I've also wondered where you were." Charlotte shrugged.

"I have secrets, like everyone else."

"Yes, but unlike everyone else, your secrets are interesting."

"Unlike everyone else, my secret will stay a secret," Charlotte said, as the door opened and Draco came in, getting dragged by the ear by Filch.

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