Chapter 77

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The death eater held Charlotte down by the shoulder, his grip so tight she felt like she was going to have a bruise. She looked around the room seeing it was the Malfoy Manor, several death eaters were standing around the room, Snape, Bellatrix, and the Malfoy's, grinning from ear to ear, all except Draco, who stood shocked, his mouth open, and blinking several times as if though he can't believe it. His mother had called him down, not knowing that Charlotte was here.

Charlotte felt fear trickle down her spine as she looked up at Voldemort, but tried to push it away. She stared at Voldemort's unhuman-like face. His red eyes glowed in the dark room. The only source of light was from a fireplace in the corner of the living room.

"Why did you take me?" Charlotte asked, trying to make sure her voice wasn't shaking.

"I know," Voldemort said,

"Know what?" She asked.

"There have been rumors since I've come back about you," Voldemort said, he reached out and lifted Charlotte's face up by her chin, Charlotte pushed her head away from him, looking to the side, where Draco was, his hands were shaking, Charlotte didn't know if he was nervous or scared for her.

"Rumors that Snape has confirmed. He tells me you can tell me anything I want to know." Voldemort said as he smiled at her. Charlotte was surprised he had teeth, looking so snakelike. Charlotte looked over at Snape. His face was very pale.

"Do you all want to know what the rumors are?" Voldemort yelled to his death eaters, the two death eaters that were holding Charlotte, took their masks off. One was Avery, and Bellatrix's husband, Rudolphus.

"The rumor is that Charlotte Potter knows the future. She knows who's going to win this. She knows who and how we all die. She knows how this is going to end." Several death eaters looked between Charlotte and Voldemort.

"And she will tell me how this ends," Voldemort said.

"I can't," Charlotte said,

"You won't or can't?" Voldemort asked.

"I can't tell you anything!" Charlotte explained. Voldemort laughed.

"What about the others you've told and saved?" Voldemort asked. Charlotte didn't answer.

"I know that you saved Mad-eye Moody. I know that you saved your parents. I know you saved Pettigrew." Voldemort said.

"That's different! They can live, I can change that! I can't tell you what you want to know." Charlotte said, shaking her head.

"You don't have a choice. I will know!" Voldemort yelled.

"I won't tell you!" Charlotte shouted back. Voldemort's smile slowly dropped as he took out his wand.

"All I ask is for you to tell me where your brother is," Voldemort said. Charlotte still did not answer.

"Tell me where Harry Potter is!" Voldemort shouted, and Charlotte again did not answer.

"Tell me where Harry Potter is!"

"No!" Charlotte shouted.

"I would rather die than betray my brother!"

"My lord! Please let me loosen her tongue!" Bellatrix yelled. Voldemort stared at Charlotte, offering her a chance. After a minute of silence, Voldemort nodded.

"Have your way with her Bellatrix," Voldemort said, as he walked out of the living room. Bellatrix walked towards her, smiling like she just won the best prize. Charlotte felt her heart start racing, her hands shaking.

"Don't!" Draco shouted. Bellatrix turned to him.

"Don't what? Do you want to do it?" She asked, tilting her head at him.

"No! Nothing! Ignore him! Lucius, take him out!" Narcissa shouted. Draco's dad grabbed him by the collar.

"Let me go! Just stop!" Draco shouted, as he tried to get to Charlotte, who shook her head at him, wanting him to leave the room.

"Don't hurt her!" Draco shouted as his dad dragged him out the door, kicking and screaming the whole way out.

"What is wrong with you?" His father shouted as he pushed him into the hallway.

"They can't hurt her! They can't!" Draco said,

"Why not? You-know-who wants answers. If we have to use the Curcio spell, we will!" Lucius explained, but Draco didn't answer.

Charlotte looked at Bellatrix's face as she walked closer to her. The death eaters that were holding her down let her go. Bellatrix wand pointed at Charlotte's chest, her eyes dancing with glee.

"Tell us where Harry Potter is!"

"I would rather die."

"Curico!" Charlotte screamed falling back screaming, as she felt knives poking in every piece of her skin, her bones felt like they were on fire, she was sure her skin was going to melt off, and her head was being split open.

"Stop! Stop!" Draco shouted as he banged against the door. No one could hear him against Charlotte's scream.

"Dad! Tell them to stop! Please!" Draco begged, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"No!" Lucius shouted,

Bellatrix lifted her wand, Charlotte went limp, her body covered in sweat from head to toe. She breathed in heavily, but her lungs hurt.

"Will you tell me what I want to hear now?" Bellatrix asked as she kneeled next to Charlotte's body. Charlotte opened her eyes, which were filled with tears.

"No. Would you give up Narcissa for Voldemort?"

"HOW DARE YOU SAY HIS NAME!" Bellatrix pointed her wand at Charlotte again. Charlotte screamed as Bellatrix pointed her wand at Charlotte again.

"Enough, Bellatrix!" Narcissa shouted, hearing Draco's shout getting louder.

"Fine! Avery, take her downstairs to the cellar." Bellatrix shouted, as Narcissa opened the door and let Draco in, his face red from all the yelling.

"I'll take her to the cellar!" He yelled as Avery flicked his wand at Charlotte. She levitated like the Muggle Professor had before dying, Draco thought.

"No, Draco you can come with me, I need to speak to you," Lucius said, walking in behind Draco.


"Now Draco!" Lucius shouted; Draco sulked as he watched Avery take Charlotte out of the room. She seemed to have passed out.

Charlotte felt the ropes being tied around her wrist before Avery left for the cellar.

"Ms. Potter. Unicorn hair, Acacia wood, twelve inches." She heard someone say. She opened her eyes, seeing Mr. Ollivander. He was skinner, his face pale, with dark circles. He stood up on shaky legs with a nail in his hand, using the wall to steady him.

"Mr. Ollivander," Charlotte said, as he walked over to her.

"Stay still while I cut your rope." Mr. Ollivander said as he sat down. Charlotte could feel the nail digging through the ropes.

"Have you been here alone the whole time?" Charlotte asked,

"There have been others... they've passed, but so far I've been alone." He said, keeping his eyes on the rope. He was struggling to get the rope cut with the lights being so low.

"Don't worry, I don't think I'm going to die anytime soon," Charlotte said, as he freed one arm and started working on the second.

"That makes me more worried. Why are you here?" He asked.

"They want Harry's location," Charlotte said.

"And they think you have it?"

"Yes," She said, as he freed her second hand. Charlotte was covered in sweat, her dress and makeup feeling disgusting. She took off her shoes, whipping the tears that were starting to fall.

I woke up for a wedding; I got up to go to a wedding.

Charlotte thought as she looked around her cellar.

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