Chapter 63 (Year 6)

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The adults sat wrapping the last of Harry and Charlotte's presents the night before Christmas. There was a tap on the window, and an eagle owl was perched on the window.

"Whose owl is that?" Peter asked as he sat on the couch, drinking butterbeer.

"Not sure," James said as he walked to the window.

"Why are we wrapping presents still? It's one am." Sirius asked,

"Because James thinks his kids are still five," Remus answered, as he threw a present in the air.

"Careful! That is expensive." Lily shouted,

"You don't even know what's in it," Remus commented.

"Ugh! It's a Malfoys!" James shouted as he glanced at the card

"I was wondering if Draco was going to give Charlotte a present or if they had already exchanged," Lily said, as she looked over James' shoulder.

"Don't read the card!" Lily shouted.

"I glanced at it!"

"We are putting it under the tree for her to find," Lily said, grabbing the red bag from him, and putting it under the tree on Charlotte's side.

"I'm going to bed. You three finish wrapping the presents," Lily said as she walked out of the living room. The four friends walked to the Christmas tree, staring at the gift.

"What do you think it is?" Sirius asked,

"I don't know," James said,

"Should we open it?" Peter asked,

"And get murdered by Lily and Charlotte. No, thank you." Remus said as James poked the bag with his wand.

"YOU FOUR BETTER NOT BE LOOKING AT THE PRESENT!" Lily shouted from the stairs.

"NO, WE'RE NOT!" James said as they jumped back from the tree.

"How does she know?" Sirius asked.


The Christmas music was so loud that Charlotte could hear it all the way from her room. Sirius insisted on playing muggle Christmas songs he liked. She walked out of her room, still in her pajamas, wanting to open her Christmas presents already.

Everyone was already awake, eating breakfast in the living room, while they waited for Charlotte to wake up.

"How come no one woke me up?" Charlotte asked.

"I was just about to; Harry only woke up five minutes ago," Lily said, as she made Charlotte a plate of breakfast.

"Can we open presents and eat?" Harry asked Lily, shrugged.

"Go ahead."

Charlotte and Harry, ignoring the food, ran to the Christmas tree like seven-year-olds. Charlotte's presents were mainly books from Hermione, clothes from Lavender and Parvati, and gold earrings from her parents. A mug from Harry that said, 'I have the best brother ever,' that Charlotte rolled her eyes at.

"I wanted to buy you two motorcycles, but your mum hexed me," Sirius said.

"I love motorcycles! I've ridden one before- "Charlotte said.

"When?" Lily and James asked

"When I was ten." Charlotte shrugged as she opened Sirius's present, a large box of makeup, missing the miserable expression her parents shared. Remus bought her a box of broom supplies kit for quidditch.

"Since you were forced into quidditch, and your broom is getting abused during matches," Remus said, Charlotte nodded.

"I did need this, thank you!" Charlotte laughed; Harry scowled.

"She wasn't forced."

"I never agreed," Charlotte commented, as she opened Peter's present, a box of perfume. Finally, her last present, was a tiny red bag, with a tag on the side that had Draco on it, with a black box inside, and a note. The others leaned in closer, trying to see the box. Lily fighting back a smile, James trying not to roll his eyes, Remus, Sirius, and Peter, going on the edge of their seats to see. Harry leaning from across the tree to see.

"I'm not going to open it if you six don't back up a little." She warned, clutching the box to her chest.

Nosy family, she thought, rolling her eyes.

"I really like that...plant, Lily. It really sets the room together." Sirius said, Lily nodded.

"Oh, is that a crack in the ceiling," Remus said, pointing to the ceiling.

"Where?" James said as Harry hid behind the tree.

"There!" Remus said, pointing to a random spot.

"Wow, look a butterfly," Peter said, looking out the window. Charlotte rolled her eyes at her family before deciding to open this gift upstairs, in her room.

She opened the box on her bed. A beautiful gold necklace, a crescent moon on the left side, half the sun on the right side, a beautiful star in the middle, and a red gemstone in the middle of the star. Charlotte thought it was the most beautiful necklace she had ever seen, as she ran her finger over the necklace. She carefully took it out of the box and put it on before reading the note.

Dear Charlotte,

I was searching for a gift for you. I had one all planned out, and I was going to send it to you, but it just didn't feel right. I searched for a couple more minutes. I even asked Parvati and Lavender, who were annoyingly giggly about it, but finally, I found it. I hope you love it, as much as I love it. The sun, the moon, and the stars, they all shine in the dark nights. You are the only bright light in my life during the dark times.

I love you,


Charlotte giggled to herself as she touched her necklace. She put the card back in the red bag, setting it on the nightstand before walking downstairs.

"Dad, I don't know what he got her. He didn't tell me. He can't stand me." Charlotte heard Harry tell James.

"What are you doing at Hogwarts then? Learning?" James asked sarcastically.

"Yes! And trying to survive!" James shook his head at Harry as Charlotte entered the room. Lily hid her smile behind her mug as she noticed the necklace.

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