Chapter 69 (Year 6)

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"And he kissed her just like that!" Charlotte told Draco later that night, as they sat in Draco's dorm room. Draco laid on his back, as Charlotte rested her chin on his chest, laying on her stomach.

"Just like that?" Draco asked, trying to sound interested, as he lay in the dorm room

"Yes! I mean, it was gross that it was my brother, but it was so cute for Ginny. You know she's had a crush on him for like ages even before I came here!" Charlotte says.

"Before you came?" Draco asked as he ran his fingers through her ginger hair, which he loved to watch wrap around his finger before falling down to his chest.

"Hm, I mean before I joined Hogwarts."

"Charlotte, love. I have a couple of questions." He said,

"Like what?"

"Like, where were you first year? Second year? All those years before Hogwarts." Draco asked. Charlotte looked at the wall.

"I don't like talking about it."

"Have you spoken to anyone?" He asked as he ran his fingers through Charlotte's hair.


"Not even your parents?" Draco asked

"They know some things. Small things."


"Like me being put into foster care."

"Foster care? What is that?"

"Why are you asking about this?" Charlotte said as she sat up.

"Because, Charlotte, I have so many questions. You have so many things that don't make sense about you," Draco yelled as he sat up.

"Like what?"

"Like I said, where you were all those years. And how come sometimes you know what happens before it actually happens?"

"That's nothing!"

"It's something!"

"It's not! How did you know I was a death eater? How come you looked so worried that day Diggory died and couldn't even sit in the stands right before Diggory's body showed up? How come you knew Peter was innocent-"

"Fine, I'll tell you, everyone else knows."

"Whose everyone else?"

"One question at a time, Draco, and I didn't think I was going to come here to talk," Charlotte muttered, crossing her arms over her chest.

"After," Draco smirked, Charlotte shook her head at him.

"No one really knows how my family survived that night. Voldemort attacked," Charlotte said, as Draco winced at the name.


"So you died?" Draco asked ten minutes later after Charlotte had finished explaining.


"In this timeline and you took your baby self to the future?" He asked. She nodded.

"And then you lived in something called foster care? What is that?"

"It's basically where kids with no family are. They get sent to live with different people. And if the people like you, they adopted you, they become your family." She said,

"And that day we met when you ran into me. That was the first time you traveled to the past?" He asked. She nodded.

"Yes, the first time."

"Wow, I can't believe it." He said. She nodded.

"You're not pulling my leg, are you?" He asked. She laughed.

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