Chapter 83

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There was a tapping noise in the kitchen window as Lily cooked breakfast with Peter. Sirius and James were looking over papers from the Order of Phonix. James stood up and unlocked the window, recognizing Bill's owl. The owl landed on the table and stuck its leg out. James united the letter, seeing Fleur's neat handwriting.

Dear James and Lily,

Last night, Harry, Ron, and Hermione returned. Hermione looked like she had just been tortured. There was still some blood on her neck. They had brought others with them, including Charlotte. She-

James stopped reading, his eyes that rarely filled with tears did relief tears.

"James?" Sirius said,

"They found her." Lily stopped stirring the eggs and looked over at James.

"W-whose back?" She asked. Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of its chest with nerves.

"Charlotte, she's back! Harry brought her back! Their back!" He said, shaking the letter.

"James, are you sure?" Sirius asked, almost falling out of his chair.

"Yes! Yes! It's right here! Right here! I have to go! We have to go!" James said, grabbing his wand.

"You're not going alone, mate! I'm coming with you guys!" Sirius said,

"I'm coming too!" Peter shouted, turning the stove off.

"She's really back? She managed to escape?" Lily asked James, nodded.

The four rushed out of the house, leaving a note on the table just in case someone from the order came and needed them.


James banged on the door so hard that it was shaking, scaring the ones inside.

"Whose there!" Bill called out,

"It's Prongs! I've got Doe, Padfoot, and Wormtail with me!" James yelled.

"I am an order of phoenix member, married to Lily Potter. You are the secret keeper who had told me where the shell cottage was located." They heard a clicking noise, and the door opened a crack. Bill's scared face peaked out, making sure it was them before he opened the door wider.

"Come in," He said.

"You said she was here. Where is she? Where are my kids?" James asked Bill.

"Charlotte's still resting upstairs, Harry and D-"

"What room?" Lily shouted, cutting him off.

"Third door on the left," Fleur answered, noticing they didn't want to waste time. The four ran upstairs and opened the door, seeing Charlotte and Draco on the bed, while Harry sat on the chair next to them, looking annoyed at Draco.

James and Lily couldn't believe what they were seeing. Charlotte and Harry were the most exhausted they had ever seen them. Lily tried to swallow her gasp as Charlotte smiled at them. James walked to the bed, sitting in front of Charlotte before he threw his arms around her.

Lily went and hugged Harry from the side, and held onto Charlotte's other hand.

"Not so tight." Charlotte breathed, wincing as her body ached from the pain.

"Sorry," James said, before letting her go and hugging Harry.

"I was so worried! We searched everywhere for you until we got Draco's letters." Lily said, looking over at Draco as Peter and Sirius came to hug Charlotte and Harry.

"Draco's going to stay with us, he saves me," Charlotte told her parents. Harry rolled his eyes. He still thought Draco could have helped Charlotte escape.

"I saved you,"

"You both did." Charlotte snapped.

"You don't have to do that. It's okay. I'll find a- "Draco started,

"Nonsense, we can't leave you alone. You escaped you-know-who as a death eater. They will kill you. You can stay with us." Lily said. Draco looked at James, who had yet to say anything.

"He can stay," James said, extending a hand to Draco. Draco looked over at Charlotte, who nodded at him, before shaking James's hand.

"You're not going to jinx me when I'm sleeping, are you?" Draco asked James, smirked.

"We'll see," James said, squeezing Draco's hand very tightly. Draco sided-eyed Charlotte, who shook her head. James was warming up to Draco, Charlotte could tell.

"We're going to take you guys home soon," Lily told Draco and Charlotte, before walking out of the room to let Fleur and Bill know.


A couple hours later, Charlotte and Draco stood outside the cottage. Charlotte leaned her wait against Draco as she said goodbye.

"I've enjoyed our time together, Ms. Potter." Mr. Ollivander said,

"I have to, Mr. Ollivander. You were very delightful to talk to." Charlotte said, Mr. Ollivander, who was just as injured or maybe even more than Charlotte, stood outside being helped by Bill to say goodbye to Charlotte.

"I'll miss you Charlotte. You and Mr. Ollivander were the only ones getting me through those months." Luna said as she hugged Charlotte very carefully. She was never serious or didn't seem serious to other people, but those last months were something she did not like to sound like she was joking.

"You were too, Luna."

"So, how are we getting to the house?" Draco asked Sirius.

"We're apparating. You two have to side along."

"Is it bad that I'm scared?" Draco asked Charlotte.

"Ah, don't worry, you'll be with me. I'm not as scary as James. Or Peter apparently." Sirius said, clapping Draco on the back.

"Why is Peter scary? He's like a big teddy bear." Charlotte said, Sirius, shook his head.

"You did not see what we saw. Anyway, are you like Lilliana at all? She's basically my child." Sirius said,

"Isn't only a couple of years younger than you?" Draco asked,

"She's still my child," Sirius said, as James walked over.

"Ready to go?"

"Yes," Charlotte said, nodding. James offered her his arm, and she took it, letting go of Draco, who was still getting his ear talked off by Sirius.

James swished his wand, and Charlotte felt her legs being lifted off the ground and her body pushed and pulled in every direction. She was regretting the breakfast she had in the morning, and before she knew it they were standing outside Sirius's house.

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