Chapter 11

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I rushed home from work to get ready for dinner. I took a quick shower, put on some make up - no more than I usually wore - and remained in front of my closet with the towel wrapped around my body, not knowing what to wear.

I figured since we weren't going to a restaurant, I didn't have to wear anything too fancy, so I finally put on a dress, one that I sometimes wore for work as well. It was a midi black V-neck pencil dress. It was sleeveless, and it had a small side slit on the left leg and a thin, same colored belt at the waist.

I thought it would be the perfect occasion to wear my red shoes, the ones Cristina made me buy while shopping with her at the mall.

I put them on and walked a few steps in the room, and to my surprise, they weren't as uncomfortable as I was expecting.

I looked at the phone's clock and it read 6:25 PM. I should've probably gotten if I didn't want to be late. So I put on a trench coat and left the house.

When I reached Robert's house, it was almost 7 o'clock. I parked my car in the same spot I did the first time I went to his place, and I texted him to announce him I was there.

As I got out of my car, he was already exiting the building to greet me.

Unlike his usual sporty outfits, he was now wearing black jeans and a light blue slim fit shirt with its sleeves rolled up.

God, he's hot!

"Hey!" he saluted me with a wide smile as I walked towards him.

"Hi," I said back. "I came directly from work," I lied, so it didn't seem like I was dressing up for him.

"Oh," he said, and before we could say anything else, Andreya yelled from the door.

"Daddy, I can't find my plushy cat!"

"Oh, hello there, pretty girl!" I said to Andreya, and she waved back at me.

"I'll come look for it, sweetie, just give me a minute!" Robert replied to her.

"It's not in the house!" she yelled back.

"Sorry," he said to me and patted his pockets, looking for something. Then he seemed to have found what he was looking for - I could see it through his front pocket, it was something like a small lighter - but without taking the object out of his pocket, he headed for the area where the cars were.

Then he stopped near a big charcoal Ford Kuga and opened the backseat door. When he did that, the mirrors unfolded automatically, and the hazard lights beeped once, meaning the car had just been unlocked.

I stood in awe, not realizing what he was doing, and how it was even possible to unlock the car without a key.

He stood there for a few seconds, and when he came out, he was holding a round plush toy with cat ears. Then he closed the door and placed his hand on the front door's handle as if trying to open it, but in stead, he removed his hand without doing anything else and the mirrors of the car folded again by themselves. At the same time, the hazard lights beeped twice, meaning the car was now locked.

What sorcery is that?

"I got it!" Robert announced. "She always leaves her toys in the car," he explained to me.

I wasn't sure if I was more surprised that I learned that he actually did own a car - and what a gorgeous car! - or that the car locked and unlocked without touching the remote control key or anything else.

I wondered if it was a company car or if it was actually his.

My small Toyota only got locked if I entered the key in the driver's door handle, and then I would turn it and hold it there for 2 seconds. Sometimes, I had to repeat that several times because, for some reason, my car wasn't always responding to my commands right away. I knew it was just a machine, but sometimes I felt like it was doing it on purpose, just to annoy me.

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