Chapter 18

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My mom was very surprised when I visited her the following afternoon, since I usually only visited her on weekends.

"I'm glad you're here, honey," my mom said to me.

"I got off work earlier today," I lied since, in fact, I was having the day off. If I told her I had taken the day off, she would've started to bombard me with questions, and I tried to avoid that.

"Why don't you stay the night, sweetie? Every time you come home, you only stay for a little while, and I feel like we don't have time to talk like we used to."

"I would love to, mom, but I actually have plans for this evening."

"What plans?"


I hesitated telling her that I was going to Robert's house since our last discussion about him wasn't exactly a pleasant one.

"Don't tell me you're seeing that man again," my mother said.

"What if I was?" I asked her, already feeling annoyed by her words.

"I asked my friend Greta if she knows someone named Robert who lives in that building--"

"Of course you did," I muttered.

"...and she told me there's a Robert who has a young child and is a fresh widower," she continued, disregarding my comment. "That is the man you're seeing?"

"Yes, but I'm not seeing him. I'm only going to his place tomorrow to stay for a few hours with his little girl. He couldn't find anyone else to--"

"You can't grow someone else's child, honey," my mom interrupted me. "Besides, his wife has just died, and he already gets another woman into his bed?? What kind of man is that? Don't you realize he's only with you to satisfy his carnal desires?"

"Mom! I told you we're just friends! We haven't done anything! Besides, if you remained single for the rest of your life after dad passed, it doesn't mean everyone has to do the same!"

"I did that for you, young lady! So that I didn't have to bring a stranger into the house!"

"You can't possibly blame me for your unhappiness, mother."

"If you are just friends, why do you hang out with him every day?"

"Because friends hang out! Besides, I'm just trying to help him. That's what friends do."

"Help him with what? If he needs a babysitter, he should just hire one. Don't you have your own life, your own friends? Okay, I get it - he's grieving, but that's his war to fight, not yours!"

"Mother, not everything is about the money. You go to church every Sunday. Isn't that what kindness is about: helping someone without expecting anything back?"

"Are you really not expecting anything in return?"

"What are you implying, mom?"

"Honey, I'm not implying anything, but soon enough, people will start talking. I understand the man is well-off."

"Do you think I'm after his money??"

"No, but others will think--"

"I DON'T CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK! Okay? I do like him! Happy now? I like his personality, I like that he's very mature and very calm, and his calmness reaches out to me, and he's a nice person to be around."

"There is nothing good coming out of this...thing you two have, I'm telling you, girl," my mother insisted. "Plus, he's a lot older than you!"

"He's 11 years older; so what? I already told you a couple of times, we're just friends!"

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