Chapter 33

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I left to my apartment and lazed around in my bed waiting for Robert to call me to go pick him up from work.

Before I knew, I fell asleep, only to be awaken by the sound of my phone ringing.

It was Robert.

"Hello?" I said with a rusty voice.

"Hey, it's me. Can you come in half an hour? We're wrapping up, so I should be done by the time you get here."

He sounded tired. I wondered what time it was.

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay, see you!" Robert said and hung up.

I looked at the phone's screen and raised my eyebrows when I saw how late it was. I couldn't believe I slept that much. It was almost 11 P.M.

I was already dressed because I didn't change when I lay into the bed to have a 'little rest,' so I just took my boots on and my jacket and left.

When I reached the plant, I realized the parking lot was huge, and there were several entrances, and I had no idea where I was supposed to go. It was literally like a maze. And there was a barrier at the entrance of the parking lot, but there also was a guard next to the barrier, so I figured I better go and ask him.

There was another car in front of me waiting for the barrier to go up, but I saw the guard talking something to the person inside the car, motioning with his hands.

I rolled down the window and tilted my head out a little so I could hear what he said and I heard the words: "I'm sorry, I can't let you in, this entrance is for the chiefs only. For deliveries or other matters, you have to go round towards the back entrance."

I rolled the window back up and cursed under my breath, realizing I wasn't supposed to be there either. I was already preparing to turn around the car when I saw the guard gesturing me to come forward towards him.

The other car was already turning around to leave, so I advanced towards the barrier, rolling down the window again.

"Good evening, ma'am," the guard said politely and waited for me to tell him why I was there.

"Uhh.... Hi... I'm here to pick up Robert. I mean, Mr. Thompson. And I'm not sure where I'm supposed to go... He failed to mention this place is like a maze," I said, looking around me.

"Security is really strict here, we don't usually let anyone past this barrier except from our boss and the other chiefs of departments, but I've been instructed to let you in, so, please," the guard informed me and motioned with his hand towards the barrier, while he pushed a button to let it up.

"Should I show you my ID, or...?"

"Ma'am, you're driving his car. I'm sure that's pretty self-explanatory."

"Right," I said, and I placed my foot on the gas pedal but then lifted it up and hit the brake. "What if I stole this car, and I'm pretending to be whoever you were instructed to let in?" I joked smiling.

"Mr. Thompson said, and I quote: A mid-length light brown hair beautiful young woman with a gorgeous smile."

"Hmm!" I grinned hearing about Robert's description of me. "That's a little vague, though. That could be anybody."

"He also said you were very special."

My grin turned into a shy smile.

"He said that?"

My heart filled with great warmth when I heard that.

"Ma'am, please go ahead. He would be very upset if I didn't let you in."

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