Chapter 28

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When I woke up the next morning, Robert was gone. I could still feel his smell lingering around me, as I lay in the bed.

I had the rest of the week off, so I didn't have to wake up early, but I looked at my phone to check the time - it was half past eight - and I didn't feel like lazing around.

I went straight to the bathroom to pee and wash, and then I headed to the kitchen. There was a note waiting for me on the fridge. I recognized Robert's handwriting. The note said: "I'm at work. Feel free to stay here until I get back. I left the keys in the door in case you need to leave. See you later!"

I smiled, reading the note, and thought it was sweet.

It was a sunny day, unlike the past few weeks. It was perfect for having my coffee outside, to feel the fresh air.

Robert had a high-end coffee machine in the kitchen, and I wasn't sure I even knew how to use it. I started to push buttons until it turned on and started to pour coffee. In a few seconds, the smell of fresh coffee filled the whole kitchen. It was one of the small pleasures of life I had. Then I opened the fridge and found a milk bottle and poured a little into my coffee mug, turning it into a sort of cappuccino.

I took a sip of it, and it was perfect. I stayed a little and contemplated at the kitchen and the hot mug from my hands. I could definitely get used to that image: waking up in that apartment, that kitchen, having a coffee, going to work, and then getting back home to Robert and Andreya.

What a childish thought. It was never going to happen. Even though Robert and I were seeing each other, I had to be realistic about it and admit to myself that it was probably never going to evolve into something so serious so that I could move there with them and be a family.

I would've loved it, though.

I got dressed, took my coffee mug, and went outside to admire the flower garden I arranged with Robert about a month earlier.

As I was staring at the flowers and sipped out of the coffee, I saw Mrs. Clark was coming towards the entrance of the building.

"Good morning, Mrs. Clark, how are you?" I greeted her smiling. I had only seen her twice in my life, and yet for some reason, I really liked her. She seemed like a really sweet old lady. Like a grandmother.

"Oh, good morning, dear! I'm fine, thank you; just running some errands," she told me with her old shaky voice. "Visiting Mr. Robert?" she asked me.

"Uh, yes... Actually, I'm... he' work," I babbled, not knowing how to admit that I stayed overnight. I still wasn't sure if it was okay from Robert's point of view if anyone actually knew we were sleeping together.

Amused by my hesitant answer, Mrs. Clark chuckled.

"It's alright, dear," she said as if she read my mind and knew about my dilemma. "Come join an old woman for a cup of tea, will you?"

"Sure!" I replied, excited to have someone to chat with. I had never drunk tea after I just had a coffee, but I just couldn't refuse her. "I'll just take this back and lock the door," I told her as we entered the building.

I went inside to wash the empty coffee mug, then I left, locked Robert's front door, and rushed to the second floor to Mrs. Clark's apartment. By the time I climbed the stairs to her door, she had barely reached her door.

She invited me in and asked me to have a seat in the kitchen.

Her house was old furnished and had ancient house appliances, but it was very clean and tidy. It was like I was going back to another century. And yet, because of the lighting and the organized manner, everything was placed. It was very cozy and pleasant.

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