Chapter 34

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The following morning I let Robert sleep in, so I turned off all the alarms, letting him rest a little more. He definitely worked too much and he needed to take it easier.

I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Robert had a really cool electronic radio attached to the bottom side of the kitchen cabinet, and I could connect my phone to it via Bluetooth. So I turned it on and played some music from my phone, not too loud, so I didn't wake Robert up, but enough to wake me up with the music.

I started the coffee machine, I made ham and eggs, and banana pancakes. I poured fresh orange juice into two glasses and waited for Robert to wake up - the tasty smell of the food would definitely get him out of the bed sooner than intended.

The song Love Nwantiti by Ckay started praying, so while I set the table, I danced to the melody's rhythm.

I realized how much I missed my zumba classes and how much I missed any kind of sport. It was too cold outside for running, and the gym still hadn't reopened yet.

I danced through the crazy rhythm of that song, which I played obsessively on repeat.

I moved my hips while I washed the pan and the other utensils I used for making breakfast, and suddenly, I felt Robert's firm hands wrapping around my belly.

"Where did you disappear?" he asked me, kissing me on my head.

"'Morning, sweetie!" I said, wiped my left hand on the towel, and reached in the back for his face.

Then I wiped my other hand as well, and I turned around in his arms so I could face him and kissed him.

"Come, dance with me!" I said to Robert and moved my body sensually against his naked torso, following the beat of the music. Then I turned my back against him, letting him spoon me with his body while he wrapped his hands around me.

His hand moved up towards my breasts, and the other slip lower towards the line of my lingerie. I smiled, loving where that was leading.

"Come back to bed," Robert whispered, and I felt my legs weak like spaghetti.

"But I made breakfast," I protested.

"Breakfast can wait," he said and spun me around so I could face him, and when he grabbed me in his strong arms, I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him hungrily. He took me to the bed, and we made love passionately, longing for each other like craving for a drug.


We stayed a few minutes more in the bed, and I played with his bracelet while I rested my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for staying so late last night. And I'm sorry for how I was, but I felt exhausted," Robert said to me.

I moved my head to see his face and smiled.

"Robert, I already told you you don't have to apologize."

I figured his wife always fought with him about getting home late, so maybe that was why he felt like owing me an apology or an explanation.

"Did you really mean it when you told Ramon I was a special person?"

He smiled.

"What do you think?" he asked, but it didn't sound like a rhetorical question. It sounded like he actually wondered what I thought.

The truth was that I felt indeed special when I was around Robert. He made me feel valuable, and he made me feel loved despite him not telling me that.

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