Chapter 30

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Robert told me he was taking the day off the following day so he could go pick up his daughter from her grandparents and stay with her the whole day. So I woke up earlier because I wanted to surprise Robert with fixing us something to eat. The fridge was almost empty since Robert didn't eat at home when Andreya was away, so I decided to order something for breakfast. I took a quick shower and put on nothing else but one of Robert's shirts, like I did the first time I stayed at his place overnight.

I could get used to this, I thought and smiled.

In a few minutes, the doorbell rang, and I figured it was the delivery guy, so I rushed to the door, hoping the sound didn't cause Robert to wake up.

I had the money ready in my hand, and with a smile on my face, I opened the front door. My smile disappeared as soon as I realized it wasn't the delivery guy. It was a middle-aged woman, very elegant and displaying a superior attitude.

She looked just as surprised as I was.

Then suddenly, Andreya stormed inside happily, calling for her father.

"Daddy, daddy!"

I realized the woman was Andreya's grandmother. She looked at me with such indignation, and I froze in the doorway, not knowing what to say to her; especially being almost naked - wearing only Robert's shirt as a mini dress.

"Who are you?" the woman asked, looking me up and down at me.

Before I could reply, Robert came from the bedroom and he was taking a T-shirt on as he walked to the front door.

"You should've called me!" he told the woman with a reproaching voice.

Robert gripped my arm strongly and pushed me slowly but firmly away from the door. I had to admit I didn't exactly like it. But I understood I was probably best if I left, so I headed back to the bedroom to get dressed, and as I did that, I heard the woman speak.

"I brought Andreya home myself because I have to leave out of town. I'm glad I didn't call you, though - this way, I can confirm to myself what a prick of a man you are for fooling around while young Andreya is inside the house."

"Oh, please, Adela..." Robert said with irritation.

"I wonder what the jury will say about this at the trial," the woman said, and after that, I heard the door being slammed and no other word from either of them.

Robert probably got angry and shut the door in her face.

"Andy, go get changed and wash your hands," I heard Robert saying to the girl and then I heard his steps coming towards the bedroom and took my clothes to get dressed and pretended I didn't hear the rest of the conversation he had with Adela.

Robert remained in the bedroom's doorway and looked at the floor, keeping one hand on his waist, and with the other, he rubbed the back of his head, expressing his frustration.

"I'm sorry, Robert, I ordered some food, and I thought it was the delivery guy," I explained.

"It's okay," he muttered, although it was clear to me that it wasn't okay.

"What is it?" I asked him, stepping towards him.

"It's..." he started and wiped his face with his hand. "I didn't tell you this," he spoke with a low voice, "but Andy's grandmother, Adela, is suing me for the custody of my daughter."

I already knew because of the papers I had found the other day inside the coffee table, but I tried to act surprised. I wondered when he was going to tell me.

"Jesus! Why?"

"You know I told you she hates me... She's trying to find any reason to make me look bad at the court..."

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