Chapter 15

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I didn't text him that night - because I didn't want to seem clingy - but neither did he. Nor did I hear from him in the following couple of days, either. I was already starting to panic, for some reason.

It was already Wednesday and I didn't hear anything from him from the evening we kissed. I figured maybe he realized it wasn't the right thing to do and he only kissed me driven by the alcohol's effect and now he was too ashamed to admit that.

That day at work I texted him only to make sure he was alright.

"Hey, just making sure you're okay," I first wrote, but deleted it and then wrote again: "Hey, you wanted to ask me something about a property. Still interested?" I sent it and waited for his reply.

I couldn't even concentrate at work ever since the kiss scene. All I was thinking about was the kiss and about why on earth he hasn't texted me ever since.

I was so focused on Robert and all our brief encounters lately that I was starting to lose my efficiency at work. At that point I was sure I wasn't going to achieve my target for the end of the year. Maybe my mother was right when she said I wasn't doing anything else except from work and meeting Robert. But now I didn't even do my job properly anymore, and Robert wasn't contacting me anymore.

I made a few work phone calls, dealt with some paper work and then I went to a couple of client meetings and before I knew it, the day was already gone.

When I reached home and exited my car I couldn't help it and took a cigarette out of my pack and lit it up. Then I entered my apartment and jumped into my bed, not feeling like doing anything, really.

A few hours later my phone beeped and I jumped, waking from my thoughts.

"Yes, I'm still interested, sorry I didn't reply sooner. I'll call you," Robert texted me.

I was almost falling asleep when he texted me. I looked at the clock and it was almost 9 PM.

I wondered when he was going to call me. I recalled the first times I interacted with him and he always said he would call me but I waited days, even a whole week until I actually heard from him.


The next day Robert actually did call me like he had promised.

"Diana, I wanted to ask you about this property I found on Bakery Street," he said to me on the phone.

"You mean, the fourth one on your list, the one we were supposed to schedule a viewing for?"

"No. I mean it's on the same street, yes, a little further down south."

"Umm... there's only one other property we have for sale in that area but it's a three bedroom one."

"I know, but that one has a larger back yard and a double garage. I thought maybe I should see it."

"Why would you need a double garage for?" I asked rhetorically and when I realized I actually said it out loud it was too late.

"I'm sorry?"

"I mean... I thought you were looking for a smaller house."

"I am. But please, when you manage to schedule the viewing for the other one, I thought we could see both of them."

"Yeah, no problem. So when do you want to see them?" I asked.

"Sometimes next week, perhaps? Is it okay on Tuesday?"

"I don't see why not. Do you have a preference for the hour, Mr. Thompson?"

He chuckled hearing how I addressed him as, knowing I was messing around.

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