To be Continued?

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Gwen say up in her hospital bed and waited for the light to turn on, since she couldn't get up herself, she pressed the button to call the nurse, who soon came in and turned on the lights. Gwen waved as she exited. At that moment, Trent came in and kissed Gwen's cheek.

"Hey babe," he smiled and patted her head.

"Hey Trent." Gwen said weakly and smiled at him.

"How will we deal with this Trauma?" Gwen asked, "All of the lying, and the kissing, and the drama. All the sadness and the shocking inescapable truths?"

Trent sighed, "I don't know. But what I do know is..

We'll be in it together."

Gwen smiled, "Forever and Ever."

And they kissed.


Hey! Sorry I haven't updated this in sooooo long. But I'm making a sequel book! No spoilers. 


See ya!

Angel Chinchilla 😇


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