Chapter Four: Party part 2

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Last time on  'A fractured friendship'

"I'm gonna spin this bottle. Whoever it lands on I'm gonna ask then a truth or dare then a dare." Courtney explained.

And with that, she spun the bottle....

Now let's start the next chapter:

Gwen watched as the bottle spun and spun and spun, until it landed on...


Gwen was relieved. Sierra was only on person away.

"Truth or dare?"  Courtney asked.

"Truth!" Sierra said.

"How many Cody facts do you have?"


"Holy Shi-"

"My turn!" 

Sierra spun the bottle around and around....until it landed on...


"Truth or dare!"


"Change the Dunkin Donuts into Duncan Donuts!" 

"Can princess come?"

"I AM NOT!" Courtney yelled.

"Sure! It'll be a great pic for my blog!" 


~10 minutes later~

"Done!" Courtney said.

Duncan spun the bottle and slowly, and slowly, it stopped on....


"Heather, Truth or dare." 

"Um, dare! I'm not a loser." 

Duncan smiled, "I dare you to blab out your true feelings for..Alejandro."

Heather looked like she was about to die of embarrassment. Gwen was doing an inward victory dance.

"He means us, Mi amour." Alejandro said, slyly,

"Shut it!" Heather barked, blushing.

"Times ticking, Heather..." Duncan said.

"He's...not the worst person in the world..." Heather muttered, not even looking.

"Gracias." Alejandro said happily,

Heather groaned.

Heather spun the bottle and it landed on....


Gwen shot up, it was her turn and the person was HEATHER. this was getting worse! Everyone else in the room looked at Gwen like, '' Heather, Meanwhile, smiled a 'Chris' grin. There was an awkward silence until heather asked,

"Truth or dare, goth face." 


"Do you like Elvis over there?" Heather asked, pointing to Trent.

Gwen was surprised out of her mind. She curled up into a ball, fast enough no one saw her blushing like crazy. Courtney and Bridgette looked surprised and angry at the same time. Duncan looked curious. Sierra looked excited (why...). Trent looked like he was having flashbacks. And Heather  was laughing. Alejandro was smiling at the comfort of Heather, but at the same time, surprised. The room was silent besides Heather enjoying herself. Finally she stopped laughing and everybody was staring at Gwen. Gwen wanted to stay hidden forever. 

"Oh come on,Answer the truth! We are waiting!" Heather barked at Gwen who was a wreck. 

"I...I...still like him..." Gwen said quietly.

Heather was smiling, everybody else was silent. Gwen was so embarrassed and sad, she ran away, crying. Everybody gasped. Gwen was still running and she ran into Courtney's room. She fell to the floor and started crying. She was embarrassed. She knew she should have not come to this party. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.

"Gwen?" They asked.

Another Cliffhanger!

I have to do these parts short since there are three parts. Sorry!

What will happen? Who is at the door?

Find out soon! Bye!

Angel Chinchilla 😇 

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