Chapter Three: Party Part 1

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First a note from me, I forgot to mention...

This is my first story! I hope you all like it.

That's all I want, for you to like it.

From Angel Chinchilla


It was the night of the party, Gwen awaited her fate while she looked in her closet undecided about what to wear. She knew that any party with her, Trent, and Sierra was gonna be a huge disaster and embarrassment for her, but she didn't want to disappoint her friends. She finally wore a green and black dress she got for her birthday Along with cute heels and a black necklace. At least she was comfortable. 

"Gwen! Me and geoff are here to pick you up!" Gwen heard Bridgette shout. 

"Coming!" Gwen shouted back. Gwen ran outside and saw Bridgette in a sky blue dress and her hair was up in a bun, kind of like her outfit when she sang her, I'm sorry song in TDWT. Geoff was wearing his usual outfit but had a bow tie around his hat for some reason. 

"Hi Gwen! You look good!" Bridgette said.

"I better be comfortable if I'm gonna be embarrassed out of my mind." Gwen responded as she got into the car.

"Huh?" Bridgette asked.

"Trent and Sierra will be there. But I don't want to disappoint my friends."

"Touché." Bridgette said. 

Geoff but his hat on bridgette's head. Bridgette blushed and started driving. Ping. A text.

From Zoey: U coming?

To Zoey: Yep. With Bridgette.

From Zoey: I'm here already. I'll meet you on the porch.

To Zoey: Okay

Gwen looked out of the window. She was trying to get her ,last moments of peace before being embarrassed. She saw Trents house and secretly looked at the driveway. There were no cars. Great.

"We are here!" Bridgette said.

"My doom." Gwen said.

"Don't be a party pooper, Dude!" Geoff said.

Gwen sighed. 

"Hi, Bridgette, Geoff, Gwen! Welcome to my house." Gwen heard Courtney say. 

Gwen turned around and saw Courtney in a purple dress that's stopped at her knees. It was long-sleeved and had a V-neck. Her hair had a purple headband in it and Courtney had on black heels. Her house was huge with lights and a huge front yard. 

"Hi, Courtney." Gwen said.

"Get out of the car, ya dingos it's almost time for truth or dare." Duncan said, putting his arm around Courtney. Gwen didn't even try to look at him. They had been on pretty awkward terms since he "cheated" on Courtney with Gwen. 

Bridgette and Geoff were already out of the car, Geoff had his shirt off and was screaming "PAAAAARTY!" While waving it around like a crackpot. Duncan chuckled and opened the door for Gwen.

Gwen got out of the car not even paying him a glance. 

"Don't miss staying for pizza." Duncan said as she walked to Courtney.

"I most likely will leave early." Gwen said, "Since Trent and Sierra will be here." 

"Still got feelings for Elvis?" Gwen could tell Duncan was smirking.

"Shut up!" Gwen yelled, blushing like crazy.

Meanwhile, Trent was already there. He was with Cody Talking about the party.

"I hope I don't get dared to kiss Sierra." Cody said.

"Don't jinx yourself, man." Trent said.

"Yeah, but perhaps I will get lucky and kiss Gwen." Cody said dreamily.

"I doubt she's even here." Trent said,

"Shut Up!" Trent heard Gwen yell from a distance.

"Looks like she is here!" Cody practically cheered. 

"I'm gonna go Over and say hi." Trent said and walked over. Gwen was obviously annoyed, walking away from Duncan. 

"Hi." Trent said to Gwen

Gwen looked surprised, "Oh...Uh, Hi."

It was obvious Gwen was feeling awkward. Now Trent felt bad. 

"I can walk away if you-" Trent started to say.

"Nah. It's fine." Gwen said, looking down.

"Are you excited for the party?" Trent asked.

Before Gwen could respond, Courtney interrupted her,

"Everybody come to the living room It's time for truth or dare!"

"I'm dead." Gwen mumbled.

Inside the living room, Gwen made sure to not be noticed. But Trent sat next to her. Great. On her other side was Zoey. For that, Gwen was relieved. 

"Hi, Gwen!" Said Zoey, she was wearing a short dress that was the same color as the flower in her hair. And it was sparkly. It had no sleeves and the dress was tied at the waist. Zoey's Hair was in her usual pigtails, With her flower and a headband in it. It was black with sparkles.

"Hey." Gwen said, perking up. 

"You excited?"



"You know why."

"Oooh." Zoey looked at Trent right next to Gwen who was talking to Cody and Sierra had Cody in a little backpack. His head was poking out. 

"STOP TALKING TO CODYKINS!" Sierra yelled and pushed Trent away. He bumped into Gwen.

"Oof!" Gwen mumbled in surprise.

"Sorry." Trent said and patted Gwen on the back. Gwen coughed.

She didn't really mind, she was just trying to be invisible.

"Let's start the game!" Courtney said, sitting on the couch.

"Let's start my doom.." Gwen mumbled quiet enough for nobody to hear.

"I'm gonna spin this bottle. Whoever it lands on I'm gonna ask then a truth or dare then a dare." Courtney explained.

And with that, she spun the bottle....


There is gonna be three parts of the party. So be out for Party part 2! C U later!

From Angel Chinchilla 😇 

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