Chapter 14: Talent Show Part One

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Gwen went back to school. The whole day was gonna be drama. No, no not that kind of drama, the theatre kind of drama. The school was putting on a talent show. Gwen wanted to watch it, although it was only going to be at lunch. She had three periods!

Thankfully she had art at the start of the day. Then music (*internal shudder*) Then P.E. Gwen had a weird schedule all right. 

Gwen started to walk to art And saw a note on the ground. Curiously, she picked it up and turned it around, it had her name on the back and was folded into a neat square. There was a music note near her name where the dot at the end was a heart. She opened it and read the note,

Dear Gwen,

I'm very sorry for kissing Heather. It was an accident. As soon as she heard footsteps she pulled me towards her. I didn't really want to do it. 

I still love you, Gwen, I never not loved you. And I would do anything. To have you back.

I am sorry. I hope you forgive me.

Love, Trent.

Gwen folded the letter back up, put it in her pocket and ran to art. She didn't even say hi to Bridgette or Audrey. She got a black pen and started to write on the back of the letter....

~one period later~

Trent took his guitar out of his case and tuned it up..he hoped Gwen saw his note..and he hoped she forgave him.

"Why do you look so sappy, dude?" Duncan asked.

"No Reason..." Trent said.

Duncan smirked and crossed his arms. 

"What about Pasty?" He said.

"Hey!!" Trent yelled, turning around, Blushing.

Just at that moment Gwen walked through the door. Both boys looked at her. Gwen smiled at Trent and tossed his note on the counter then went to get her maracas. 

Trent opened it back up and flipped it to the other side. It said:

Dear Trent,

I can't forgive you just yet..but I get it was not your fault. Heather is a serious jerk. 

I want more time to make up my mind. But we can  be friends until that time. Is that okay with you?

From Gwen.

Trent couldn't help smiling at the note. Duncan was surprised. 

"How are you happy? She basically turned you down!" Duncan gawked.

"Not entirely.." Trent said.

Duncan shrugged.

Meanwhile Gwen walked back to her spot. Heather stood next to her with a triangle in her hand. Gwen looked at heather with an annoyed  expression. 

"What's your crush doing?" Heather asked meanly with Duncan's famous smirk.

Gwen blushed but looked at Trent playing music and then looked back at heather.

"Yep. He's my crush." Gwen said, walking past Heather, smiling. 

Heather was flabbergasted.


So this chapter was really short..can you blame me? This is in parts.

So I hope you like this chapter.

Talent show part 2 coming up!


Angel Chinchilla 😇

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