Chapter Twelve: Betrayals

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Gwen happily walked to art. She knew the rest of the day would be a good one. The only class left after art was lunch and since it was a last minute half day, Gwen could do whatever she wanted. She walked up the stairs to her art class and opened the door. And what she saw was HORRIFYING. 

Sierra painting Cody's  nudes!

Gwen nearly ran out of there. But she opened up her backpack and grabbed her paintbrushes.

She started painting a landscape but got distracted and painted a caricature of all of her friends. Suddenly, she heard somebody running. A girl burst through the door. Gwen knew her as Audrey, Audrey has brown hair in two braids that rested on her shoulders. She wore a one strap backpack and had freckles. She was wearing a T shirt that had paint splattered on it. And she wore a skirt that was the same color as her eyes, green. 

"Gwen!" Audrey panted.

"What is it?" Gwen asked, she could tell that whatever it was, it was urgent.

"I saw something terrible round the corner!" Audrey said, pointing to the hallway. 

Gwen immediately raced out there and heard some noises around the corner. She couldn't exactly tell what they were. Gwen tippy-toed  towards the corner, after all, she didn't want whoever it was to know she was there. She poked her head around the corner. She saw something HORRIFIC. 






Gwen immediately could feel her eyes tearing up, this had already happened but it didn't make her feel any better. Gwen didn't care if they saw her anymore. She ran away. Her boots now making loud noises. She ran back into the art room and fell to her knees.Audrey patted Gwen's back.

Meanwhile, Trent pulled away from the kiss and backed away, his whole face green.

"Heather! What did you do! I'm with Gwen!" Trent yelled.

"not anymore." Heather said slyly, pointing to the art room, the door was wide open and Trent heard crying noises. Oh No! He thought.

Trent immediately ran to the room and saw Gwen, on her knees, Sobbing, a girl with brown hair was comforting her. Trent had once heard Gwen talking about her. Her name was Audrey. Audrey saw Trent and got up, glaring daggers at him, arms crossed, like a teacher. Gwen looked at them and said nothing.

"How dare you! This happened AGAIN! You kissed Heather AGAIN! Now I thought Gwen had enough on her plate! With her leg and TWO SURGERIES you CHEATER!!" Audrey yelled. 

"Wait! I can explain!" Trent tried to yell but Audrey interrupted him.

"I DON'T CARE HOW MANY EXCUSES YOU MAKE!! You hurt my friend! What kind of MONSTER are you?!?" 

Trent was speechless. Audrey has really exploded, her face was red and she was clenching her fists. HARD. Gwen slowly got up, her cheeks pink from crying.

"Audrey is right. WE ARE THROUGH!" Gwen said, not as loudly as Audrey. 

Trent just stood there, soaking it all in.

"I thought I could trust you this time! Well I was WRONG!" Gwen yelled again, but her voice broke, like she was about to cry again. 

Trent wanted to apologize and get back together with Gwen. But she needed time, he knew that. So he walked away and closed to door. 

He saw Heather outside the door, listening to The Whole thing.

"Drink that, Elvis. Whatcha gonna do? Tell?" Heather teased. 

Trent was mad, really mad. Really really mad. He tried to stop himself. But he couldn't, he took a deep breath and punched Heather in the stomach.

She fell and hit the floor, coughing. Alejandro ran over to assist her. Before any hurtful action was taken by Alejandro, Trent bolted away. 

Meanwhile in the art room, Gwen started crying again, this time, Bridgette, who was also in the class, rushed over too. 

"Gwen...I'm sorry this happened." Bridgette said.

"It's not your fault." Gwen said, wiping away a tear, "It's mine. I thought I could trust him, but I couldn't." 

"Don't blame yourself! Everybody makes mistakes sometimes I their life, and that guy was a HUGE mistake!" Audrey said, obviously still mad. 

"I'm going home" Gwen said.

Gwen walked outside and saw heather on the ground, unconscious. Alejandro holding her. 

"Care to explain what Trent did?!" Alejandro growled. 

Gwen didn't say anything, she was tearing up again.

"Well?" Alejandro put his hand on his hip impatiently.

"HE KISSED HEATHER! That's what he did!" Gwen yelled, and ran away sobbing. 

Meanwhile, Alejandro was silent. Heather had kissed Trent? Sure they weren't together, but he did like her, a lot. He promised himself to never admit it. But this time, he was speechless. Gwen was right to be upset since they were together. But he carried Heather.  to the nurse anyway. 

Heather blinked. And found herself in the nurse, and Alejandro hovering above her.

"What happened, Blah-le-Handro?" Heather asked, still wincing in pain.

"Mi amour. Trent punched you in the stomach. Then Gwen came out of the art room. I asked her what happened and..." his voice trailed off. 

"Ugh. Weird Goth Girl." Heather grumbled.

"Mi amour, She said you kissed Trent, then ran away bawling." 

"I don't care what that goth thinks." Heather spat out.

"Heather, why?" Alejandro didn't care he looked worried, cause he did.

"Why?! Because I wanted them to break up."

"Why did you want them to break up?" 

"Because Gwen always has the best luck! She got to go to a real hospital, she has amazing friends, a boyfriend and everything! Why can't I have that?!" Heather spat out, she immediately realized what she said and covered her mouth.

Alejandro was speechless.

"Heather...." he started.

"Leave." Heather interrupted.



And he did. 

Hi Guys!

I glad y'all like my stories.

This feels like TDI. But I couldn't imagine someone trying to break up Trent and Gwen besides heather, really. 

C U later!

Angel Chinchilla 😇 

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